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Quick links
Example Models
Keyboard Shortcuts
Functions by category
Alphabetical Function List
Modelling Guide
Standard libraries
Additional libraries
Key concepts
Techniques and technologies
About Analytica
Opening A Model
Reviewing a model
Create a Model
Sharing a model with ACP
Decision tree
Dynamic system model
Example Models and Libraries
Tutorial videos
User Guide
Contents in detail
If you don’t read manuals
Hardware and software requirements
Installation and licenses
Editions of Analytica
Help menu and documentation
Normally, usually, and defaults
Typographic conventions in this guide
User guide Examples folder
What’s new?
File menu
Edit menu
Object menu
Definition menu
Result menu
Diagram menu
Window menu
Help menu
Right mouse button menus
Windows and dialogs
Object window
Result window
Diagram window
Outline window
Object Finder dialog
Diagram Style dialog
Node Style dialog
Number Format Dialog
Graph setup dialog
Uncertainty Setup dialog
Preferences dialog
Attributes dialog
Examining a Model
To open or exit a model
Diagram window
Classes of variables and other objects
Selecting nodes
User input nodes and user output nodes
Object window
Attribute panel
Values in Object Window
Result Tables and Graphs
Result window
Table view of a result
Graph view of a result
Uncertainty view of a result
Comparing results
Parametric analysis
Create and edit a model
Create and save a model
Create and edit nodes
Draw arrows
Draw arrows between modules
Alias nodes
To edit an attribute
Change class of an object
Preferences dialog
Building Effective Models
Create a model
Test and debug your model
Expand your model
Lucid influence diagrams
About influence diagrams
Guidelines for creating lucid models
Arranging nodes to make clear diagrams
Organizing a module hierarchy
Color in influence diagrams
Diagram Style dialog
Node Style dialog
Screenshots of a diagram
Number and table formats
Number formats
Date formats
Display constraint results
Multiple formats in one table
Graphing roles
Graph setup dialog
Changing Series Colors
Graph templates
XY Comparison
Definitions and expressions
Creating or editing a definition
The Expression popup menu
Expression Assist
Object Finder dialog
Definition menu
The domain of possible values
Check attribute
Date and Time Values
Boolean or truth values
Text values
Function calls and parameters
Math functions
Numbers and text
INF, NAN, and NULL - Exception values
Datatype functions
Text, Date, Math, and Financial Functions
Text functions
Date functions
Advanced math functions
Complex number functions
Financial functions
Financial library functions
Dynamic Simulation
Time index
Dynamic function
Time index details
Dynamic initial values
Dynamic using arrays
Dynamic dependencies
Dynamic and uncertainty
Dynamic on non-Time Indexes
Reverse Dynamic
Arrays and Indexes
Intelligent Arrays
Indexes and arrays: An introduction
Arrays and Indexes
IF a THEN b ELSE c with arrays
Creating an index
Functions that create indexes
To make an edit table
To edit a table
Splice a table when computed indexes change
Subscript and slice of a subarray
Choice menus and Checkboxes in an edit table
Shortcuts to navigate and edit a table
Array functions
Array Function Example Variables
Functions that create arrays
Array-reducing functions
Transforming functions
Relational tables and multiD arrays
Interpolation functions
Fourier Transform
Sets - collections of unique elements
Other array functions
DetermTable: Deterministic tables
Subtable: Editable part of an array
MultiTable: Combining editable and computed arrays
Matrix functions
Uncertainty and statistics
Expressing Uncertainty
Uncertainty Setup dialog
Uncertainty views
Selecting the Sample Size
Choosing an appropriate distribution
Defining a variable as a distribution
Including a distribution in a definition
Probabilistic calculation
Monte Carlo and probabilistic simulation
Probability distributions
Parametric discrete distributions
Probability density and mass graphs
The domain attribute and discrete variables
Custom discrete probabilities
Parametric continuous distributions
Custom continuous distributions
Special probabilistic functions
Advanced probability functions
Multivariate distributions
Importance weights
Statistics, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Analysis
Statistical functions
Weighted statistics and w parameter
Importance analysis
Sensitivity analysis functions
Tornado charts
X-Y plots
Scatter plots
Regression analysis
Uncertainty in regression results
Logistic regression functions
Stochastic Information Packets (SIPs)
User interfaces
User interfaces
User Input nodes
Choice menu user input
Checkbox user input
User output nodes
User inputs and outputs as aliases
Onchange attribute
Button creation
Form modules
Icon images in a node
Graphics, frames, and text in a diagram
Links or URL in model attributes
Analytica Free Edition
Analytica Cloud Player (ACP)
Advanced features
Integration with data and applications
Read and write text files
Read data from URL on internet
Copy and Paste between applications
Import and Export data
Model file formats
OLE linking
Database access
Database functions
Excel spreadsheets read and write
RunConsoleProcess - call other applications
COM Automation Objects
Working with Large Models
Module hierarchy
Outline window
Find variables and other objects
Manage attributes
Invalid variables
Filed modules and libraries
Import a module or library
Combining models into an integrated model
Making a browse-only model and hiding definitions
Managing windows
Memory usage and management
Performance Profiler library
Analytica Enterprise
User-defined Functions and Libraries
Example function
Call a function
Define a function
Attributes of a function
Parameter qualifiers
User Libraries
Procedural Programming
Procedural Programming Example
Summary of Programming Constructs
Begin-End for Grouping Expressions
Local Values
For and While Loops
Local Indexes
Ensuring Array Abstraction
References and Data Structures
Handles to Objects
Dialog Functions
Other Procedural Functions
Reference sections
Analytica Specifications
Identifiers Already Used
Error Message Types
Forward and Backward Compatibility
Analytica Optimizer
Introduction to Optimizer
Optimizer Quick Start
Optimization Characteristics
Optimizing with Arrays
Optimizer key concepts: Airline Example
Optimizer Attributes
Primary Optimization Functions
Optimization Status Functions
Optimizer control settings
Analytica Decision Engine
Introduction to ADE
Installation of ADE
The ADE Tutorial
Using the ADE Server
Working with Models, Modules, and Files in ADE
ADE Server Class Reference
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Analytica User Forum
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Publications using Analytica