Keyboard Shortcuts


4.6  •  5.0  •  5.1  •  5.2  •  5.3  •  5.4  •  6.0  •  6.1  •  6.2  •  6.3  •  6.4  •  6.5

Like most applications, Analytica offers keys or key combinations as shortcuts to access common features. Some, like ctrl+v to paste, or ctrl+s to save a model file, are common to most Windows applications. Learning some of these can greatly speed up your interactions.

You can see the keyboard shortcuts for Toolbar icon buttons in the tooltip that appears when you move the mouse cursor over each icon, for menu options inside each menu at the top of the application, and for context-dependent menu that appears when you right-click.

Most valuable shortcuts

These are the most useful shortcuts to learn initially (beyond the standard shortcuts common to most Windows applications):

  • CTRL+F: Open the Find dialog
  • CTRL+H: Select a variable or function identifier in a definition, and press ctrl+H to open its Object view
  • CTRL+R: Select a node and see its result view
  • CTR+B: Open the Number Format Dialog
  • CTR+U: Open the Uncertainty Setup Dialog
  • F8: Change to Edit mode
  • ctrl+click: When the edit cursor is the a Definition in the Attribute panel at the bottom of a diagram, ctrl+click on another node to insert its identifier into the definition.
  • Select several nodes in a Diagram and press:
    • == resize the nodes to be the same as the last node you selected (the one with black boxes in the corners)
    • ctrl+= align the nodes one above the other with same width

Shortcuts for Toolbar buttons

  • F2: ParentTool.jpg: Open Diagram window containing the selected node.
  • F3: OutlineTool.jpg: Open the Outliner window
  • F4: ObjectWindowToolbarButton.jpg: Open the Object window for selected node.
  • F5: ResultToolbarButton.jpg: Open the Result window for the selected variable. (same as CTRL+R)
  • F6: Expr.jpg: Edit the definition (script for Button) of selected Variable or Function (same as CTRL+E) in Attribute Panel or Object window, depending on setting in Preferences... dialog.
  • F7: BrowseTool.jpg: Enter browse mode
  • F8: Edit Mode Toolbar Button.jpg: Enter Edit mode

Shortcuts to add a nodes to a diagram

  • CTRL+1: New Decision node
  • CTRL+2: New Variable node
  • CTRL+3: New Chance node
  • CTRL+4: New Objective node
  • CTRL+5: New Module node
  • CTRL+6: New Index node
  • CTRL+7: New Constant node
  • CTRL+8: New Function node
  • CTRL+9: New Text node
  • CTRL+0: New Button node

Tab as a shortcut

Use the tab key to select the next element in a windowt:

  • In a Diagram window, tab selects the next node from left to right, then up to down
  • In an Object window, tab selects the next Attribute field
  • In a table, tab selects the next cell.

Use shift+tab to go backwards, to select the previous node, Attribute, or cell.

Shortcuts for menus

  • F10: Select the main menu bar.
    • Use left or right arrow or a letter to select a menu.
    • Use up or down arrow or a letter to select an option in that menu.
  • F12, or CTRL+': Open/close typescript window

Shortcuts to edit a Definition or other attribute

  • Double-click an identifier to select it
  • CTRL+f: Open find dialog for this identifier. A quick way to find the node for a variable, or open wiki page for a system function or variable.
  • CTRL+click on a node: When you are editing the Definition (or other attribute) in an Attribute panel, CTRL-click on another node in the same diagram inserts its identifier into the Definition. This shortcut is very handy when writing a complex expression.
  • CTRL+alt on a node: Same as CTRL+click. Useful when running Analytica on a Macintosh in VMWare Fusion or Parallels, which treat CTRL+click as something else.
  • Return
  • CTRL+Return
  • CTRL+right-arrow: Move right one token (identifier or operator)
  • CTRL+left-arrow: Move left one token (identifier or operator)
  • CTRL+ALT+left-arrow: Find left paren that matches the right paren currently at the left of the caret.
  • CTRL+ALT+right-arrow: Find right parent that matches the left parent currently to the right of the cursor.
  • SHIFT+(any of the above): Select the characters between.

Shortcuts to edit a diagram

  • Arrow: Move selected node(s) in direction of the arrow by a grid increment, if snap to grid is set -- otherwise, by one pixel.
  • SHIFT+arrow: Move selected node(s) in direction of the arrow, by one pixel if snap to grid is set -- otherwise, by one grid increment.
  • CTRL+left-arrow: Align left edges
  • CTRL+F9: Align horiz center
  • SHIFT+F9: Align vert centers of selected nodes
  • CTRL+right-arrow: Align right edges
  • CTRL+=: Align left and right edges of selected nodes
  • CTRL+up-arrow: Align tops of selected nodes
  • CTRL+down-arrow: Align bottoms of selected nodes

These shortcuts use two keystrokes in sequence -- not pressed together:

  • =,right-arrow: Make selected nodes the same width as the first selected node
  • =,down-arrow: Make selected nodes the same height as the first selected node
  • =,=: Make selected nodes the same width and height as the first selected node

Shortcuts for Table Navigation

Analytica supports almost all the standard shortcuts for tables offered by Microsoft Excel. See Shortcuts for Table Navigation for details.

Alphabetic list of CTRL shortcuts by letter

  • CTRL+A: Select All nodes in a diagram, text in a definition, or cells in a table.
  • CTRL+B: Open Number Format Dialog
  • CTRL+C: Copy selected node(s), text, cell or region of a table.
  • CTRL+D: Duplicate selected node(s)
  • CTRL+E: Edit definition of selected node in Attribute pane
  • CTRL+F: Open Find Dialog to find an object by identifier or title. In a table, Find will search table.
  • CTRL+G: Find next matching item from Find Dialog.
  • CTRL+H: Find object with identifier matching the text you have selected -- e.g. in a definition.
  • CTRL+ALT+H: Add/Edit hyperlink
  • CTRL+I: Insert a new row or column after the row or column you have selected in an Edit table.
  • CTRL+J: In a Diagram, align selected node(s) to grid
  • CTRL+K: Add/Edit hyperlink
  • CTRL+L: Open dialog to Add Module...
  • CTRL+M: Make an alias from the selected node(s).
  • CTRL+ALT+M: Toggle show markup
  • CTRL+N: Start a New Model
  • CTRL+O: Open a model file
  • CTRL+P: Print the current Diagram, Graph
  • CTRL+Q: Exit (Quit) the model.
  • CTRL+R: Show result for selected variable(s)
  • CTRL+S: Save the model
  • CTRL+T: Adjust selected node(s) to their default size
  • CTRL+U: Open Uncertainty Options... dialog
  • CTRL+V: Paste text, cell or region of a table, or selected nodes.
  • CTRL+W: Close the model
  • CTRL+X: Cut selected text or node(s).
  • CTRL+Y: Toggle between viewing titles and identifiers
  • CTRL+Z: Undo last action (typing text or moving or resizing node(s)
  • CTRL+. (CTRL+dot): Stop the computation in progress.
  • CTRL+Break: Stop the computation in progress.
  • CTRL+' (CTRL+apostrophe): Open/close Typescript window. On some non-English keyboards, this combination is not available. In those cases, use F12.

See also

Shortcuts for Table Navigation


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