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Show new changes starting from 14:07, 12 February 2025
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11 February 2025

 m   23:14  Local functions and local value captures/Local function examples diffhist +1 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Mutables
     22:56  Side effects diffhist +91 Lchrisman talk contribs
     22:54  Mutables library diffhist +33 Lchrisman talk contribs category function libraries
     22:49  Preferences dialog‎‎ 2 changes history +362 [Lchrisman‎ (2×)]
22:49 (cur | prev) +139 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Model preferences
22:02 (cur | prev) +223 Lchrisman talk contribs Was missing Show result mode.
     21:37  User output nodes diffhist +78 Lchrisman talk contribs
     19:31  Date formats diffhist +2 Mganley talk contribs
     19:31  (Upload log) [Mganley‎ (2×)]
19:31 Mganley talk contribs uploaded File:Dataformats2.png
19:29 Mganley talk contribs uploaded File:Dataformats1.png
     16:44  Date functions‎‎ 2 changes history +261 [Lchrisman‎ (2×)]
16:44 (cur | prev) +71 Lchrisman talk contribs
16:41 (cur | prev) +190 Lchrisman talk contribs
     16:40  Date Functions‎‎ 2 changes history +190 [Lchrisman‎ (2×)]
16:40 (cur | prev) +9 Lchrisman talk contribs
16:35 (cur | prev) +181 Lchrisman talk contribs

10 February 2025

     13:19  User:ACP3 Enhancements and fixes‎‎ 2 changes history +205 [Dpaine‎ (2×)]
13:19 (cur | prev) -2 Dpaine talk contribs
13:18 (cur | prev) +207 Dpaine talk contribs

7 February 2025

6 February 2025

     20:27  Repeated Parameter Forwarding diffhist +185 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Operating over all indexes of an array
     20:24  Functions Min and Max diffhist +1,429 Lchrisman talk contribs Finding the Max over all indexes
     18:13  User-Defined Functions/User-defined function examples‎‎ 5 changes history +1,879 [Lchrisman‎ (5×)]
18:13 (cur | prev) +1,633 Lchrisman talk contribs
01:08 (cur | prev) +43 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Non-negative matrix factorization
01:07 (cur | prev) +107 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Non-negative matrix factorization
00:38 (cur | prev) +1 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Non-negative matrix factorization
00:10 (cur | prev) +95 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Non-negative matrix factorization
     00:54  Anastyles diffhist +65 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Built-In Anastyles

5 February 2025

     22:19  Compare Results diffhist +65 Lchrisman talk contribs
 m   21:49  MultiResult‎‎ 2 changes history +52 [Max‎ (2×)]
21:49 (cur | prev) +1 Max talk contribs →‎Examples
21:44 (cur | prev) +51 Max talk contribs
     21:41  MultiChoice‎‎ 2 changes history +729 [Max‎; Klee2‎]
21:41 (cur | prev) -78 Max talk contribs →‎Filtering long MultiChoice lists (ACP)
20:55 (cur | prev) +807 Klee2 talk contribs Added new sections for pictures and filtering Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     21:41  Choice‎‎ 8 changes history +2,204 [Max‎; Klee2‎ (3×); Mhenrion‎ (4×)]
21:41 (cur | prev) -77 Max talk contribs →‎Filtering long Choice lists (ACP)
20:35 (cur | prev) +108 Mhenrion talk contribs →‎Filtering long Choice lists (ACP)
20:30 (cur | prev) -100 Mhenrion talk contribs →‎Separator
20:27 (cur | prev) -154 Mhenrion talk contribs →‎Optional parameters
20:14 (cur | prev) +34 Mhenrion talk contribs →‎Choice(i, n)
19:18 (cur | prev) +55 Klee2 talk contribs →‎Filtering long Choice lists (ACP) Tag: Visual edit
19:15 (cur | prev) +203 Klee2 talk contribs →‎Images in Choice nodes Tag: Visual edit
19:11 (cur | prev) +2,135 Klee2 talk contribs →‎Details and more examples
N    21:32  User-Defined Functions/User-defined function examples‎‎ 3 changes history +2,902 [Lchrisman‎ (3×)]
21:32 (cur | prev) +112 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Non-negative matrix factorization
21:31 (cur | prev) +1,677 Lchrisman talk contribs
21:16 (cur | prev) +1,113 Lchrisman talk contribs NMF
     21:16  (Upload log) [Lchrisman‎; Klee2‎ (2×)]
21:16 Lchrisman talk contribs uploaded File:Non-Negative Matrix Factorization.ana
19:15 Klee2 talk contribs uploaded File:Choicefilter.png(Example of a choice with a filter in ACP)
19:09 Klee2 talk contribs uploaded File:Choiceimages.png(Example of choice node with images)
     20:57  User-Defined Functions diffhist +91 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎See Also
     20:55  Conventions for parameters and operands diffhist +331 Lchrisman talk contribs
N    19:47  User-defined attributes diffhist +75 Lchrisman talk contribs Redirected page to Manage attributes#Create new attributes Tag: New redirect
     19:46  Manage attributes diffhist +28 Lchrisman talk contribs →‎Create new attributes