Draw arrows between modules
Release: |
4.6 • 5.0 • 5.1 • 5.2 • 5.3 • 5.4 • 6.0 • 6.1 • 6.2 • 6.3 • 6.4 • 6.5 |
There are four methods to draw arrows between nodes in different modules. Suppose you want to draw an arrow from the variable Buying price
to the variable Mortgage loan amount
in another module.
Draw arrow across windows: The most direct method works when you can arrange the diagrams so that both the origin and destination nodes are visible on screen at the same time:
- In edit mode with the diagram for the origin node in focus, hover over the origin node,
Buying price
, until the hover icons appear. - Draw from the
hover icon to the destination node,
Mortgage loan amount
, which highlights, and release the button.
If, as in this illustration, the destination module appears in the origin diagram, the arrow points from the origin node Buying price
to the destination module Cost to Buy
a small arrow-head appears on the left edge of destination node Mortgage loan amount
, showing that it has an input node from another diagram.
Move nodes to same diagram to link them: A second method is to move one of the nodes into the diagram containing the other. Then you simply draw an arrow between them in the usual way. Finally, you move the node back to the diagram it came from. This is convenient if you have large diagrams and a small screen so that its hard to arrange the two diagrams so that both nodes are visible at the same time.
Copy the identifier of the origin into the definition of the destination: Copy the identifier of the origin variable, open the definition of the destination variable, and paste it in (see Creating or editing a definition). When the definition is complete and accepted, it automatically draws the arrows to reflect the relationships.
Make an alias node in the other diagram: If the origin node and destination module are in the same diagram, you can draw an arrow directly between them. This makes an alias node of the origin in the destination diagram. Then you can simply draw an arrow from the alias to the destination node. You can use a similar method when the origin module and destination node are in the same diagram. Drawing an arrow between them creates an alias of the destination in the origin module. See the next section for more about aliases.
See Also
- Draw arrows
- Tutorial: Drawing arrows between variables
- Tutorial: Drawing influence arrows across modules
- Model building by mouse
- GetArrowsOnDiagram
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