Object menu


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The Object menu includes options for searching nodes and variables in a model, and for creating alias nodes, importance nodes and input and output nodes. Objects can be displayed with their identifiers or with their mid values, and the attributes and the definitions of objects can be displayed for editing.

The functionalities of the Object menu items are described in the table that follows.

Menus 4.png Menu item Description
Find Opens a Find dialog to search for . See Finding variables.
Find Next Finds the next object that partially matches the previously defined text value. See Finding variables.
Find Selection Finds an object by its identifier that matches the currently selected text. See Finding variables.
Make Alias Creates an alias for the selected object(s). See Alias nodes.
Make Importance Creates an importance variable (and index) to compute the importance (rank correlation) of all uncertain inputs for the selected variable. See Importance analysis.
Make User Input Node Creates an input node for the selected node(s).
Make User Output Node Creates an output node for the selected node(s). See Using output nodes.
Show By Identifier Shows the identifier instead of title of each object in the current diagram, edit table, Result window, or Outline window. Toggle to show title again.
Show With Values Shows the mid values of the variable and all its inputs in each Object window. See Showing values in the Object window.
Attributes Opens the Attribute dialog to set the visibility of attributes and define new attributes. See Managing attributes.
Hide Definition(s) Marks the currently selected node or module as hidden, so that their definitions are invisible. (Analytica Enterprise only)
Unhide Definition(s) Unhides the currently selected node or module. This overrides any settings in parent modules to hide definitions. (Analytica Enterprise only)

See Also


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