Typographic conventions in this guide

Example Meaning
behavior analysis Key terms when introduced. Most of these terms are included in the Glossary.
Diagram Menus and menu commands, window names, panel names, dialog box names, function parameters.
Sequence() Name of a variable or function in Analytica.
Price - DownPmt Expressions, definitions, example code.
10^7 → 10M In example code, this means that the variable or expression before generates the result after it.
Enter, Control+a A key or key-combination on the keyboard. A letter, such as “a”, can be lower- or uppercase.

Code examples: This guide includes snippets of code to illustrate features, for example:

Index N := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Variable Squares := N^2
Sum(Squares, N) → 55

This code says that there are two objects, an index N and a variable Squares. You would create these objects in a Diagram window by dragging from the node toolbar into the diagram (see Creating and editing nodes). You would enter the expressions, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and N^2 into their definitions (see Creating or editing a definition). You would not enter the assignment “:=”. The last line says that the expression Sum(Squares, N) evaluates to the result 55 after the →. You might include that expression in the definition of third variable.

Array examples: We use these typographic conventions to show Analytica arrays.

  • An index or list and its values
Index N :=
1 2 3 4 5
  • A one-dimensional array
Variable Squares :=
Squares ▶
1 2 3 4 5
1 4 9 16 25
  • A two-dimensional array
Index_b ▶
Index_a ▼ a b c
x value value value
y value value value
z value value value
  • A three-dimensional array
Index_c = 'displayed value'
Index_b ▶
Index_a ▼ a b c
x value value value
y value value value
z value value value

See Also


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