The Expression popup menu


4.6  •  5.0  •  5.1  •  5.2  •  5.3  •  5.4  •  6.0  •  6.1  •  6.2  •  6.3  •  6.4  •  6.5

Click expr to see the Expression popup menu. The expr menu shows the type of the definition, which is an empty expression in the following figure.


Use this popup menu to change the definition to one of several common kinds of expressions. The entries in this menu depend on the class of the node being defined.

Chapter8 16.png

Expression: Shows the definition as a mathematical expression, even if it was defined using the other expression types in this popup menu.

Number only: (New to Analytica 5.0) Expects a single number. This option is listed when the variable has a user input node associated with it.

Text only: (New to Analytica 5.0) A simple text value. This option is listed when the variable has a user input node associated with it. The value appears in the user input without quotes, and will never be interpreted as a number or expression.

Number of text only: (New to Analytica 5.0) A literal value, either number or text, but not a general expression. This option is listed when the variable has a user input node associated with it. The value entered into the text box of the input node will be treated as a number if it can be parsed as a number, or text otherwise. Quotes do not display around text. Eliminates the possibility that the user might enter something interpreted as an identifier or expression.

List: Creates an ordered set of expressions or numbers.

List of Text: Creates an ordered set of text labels.

Sequence: Creates a list of numerical values.

Checkbox: Creates a checkbox for a true/false option.

Choice: (New to Analytica 5.0) Creates a popup menu for choosing one or all elements from a list.

Table: Creates an array of numbers or expressions.

Probability Table: Creates an array defining probabilities (numbers or expressions) across the domain of a discrete (chance) variable.

Distribution: Creates an uncertain definition by selecting a function from the Distribution System library.

Other: Opens the Object Finder dialog, which is described in the next section. Changes the definition to the function or variable that you select from the Object Finder dialog.

See Also


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