Editions of Analytica

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Compare Analytica features by edition

Analytica is available in the following editions: Free Edition, Professional, Power Player, Enterprise, Optimizer, Analytica Decision Engine (ADE), and Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP). This table summarizes the features they offer:

Features Editions of Analytica
Free Power Player Professional Enterprise Optimizer ADE ACP
Open models, change inputs, and view results
Create and edit models <101 objects
No watermark on printouts and images
Hierarchical influence diagrams
Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis
Intelligent Arrays
Procedural programming
Integration with Excel
Create interfaces for end users
General function libraries: Math, Array, Distributions, Special, Statistical, Text, Advanced math, Financial, and Matrix
Save browse-only models and hide sensitive model details
Huge Arrays with indexes longer than 32000 elements
Database access
Integration functions: RunConsoleProcess, text file read/write functions, COM object calls
Time and memory profiling
Optimization engine (LPs, QPs, NLPs) Option Option Option
Application programming interface (ADE User Guide)
Access models via a web browser. No software to install.
Geographical display of info and results on interactive maps.

Analytica editions

Free Edition: Allows you to build models with up to 101 user-defined objects (variables, indexes, modules, functions, etc), including the ability to create, edit and save models. You can also load, browse, change designated inputs and evaluate models having more than 101 user objects, but you can- not make changes to those models or save changes you changes you make to inputs. Includes the functions and features found in the Professional edition. As the name implies, this edition is free and may be used for academic, non-commercial and commercial use. See Free Edition for details.

Professional: Provides most features, including the ability to create, edit, and save models.

Enterprise: Offers all the features of Analytica Professional, plus support for reading and writing external data sources, running and communicating with other applications, profiling for analysis of computational effort by variable, and encryption (obfuscation) of sensitive model elements. See Analytica Enterprise, for details.

Optimizer: Offers all the features of Analytica Enterprise, plus the Optimizer functions that provides powerful solver and structured optimization formulation, including linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), quadratic programming (QP), and nonlinear programming (NLP). You can also plug in to the same convenient formulation the most powerful available solver engines, including Express, Gurobi, Knitro, and more. The Optimizer features are also available as an extension to Analytica Power Player, ADE, ACP, and Cubeplan. See the Analytica Optimizer Guide for details.

Power Player: Lets you review models, change inputs, and view results, and does not let you create or edit models. Unlike the Free edition, it lets you save large models with changed inputs. It also supports models that use Enterprise features, including spreadsheet and database access, Huge Arrays, and the Profiler. See Analytica Enterprise for details.

Power Player with Optimizer: As you might suspect, this adds the Optimizer features to Power Player, enabling you to run a model that was created with the Analytica Optimizer.

Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP) lets you run any Analytica model via the web. You can upload a model directly to an ACP server. You can email the URL to end users so they can explore and run the model via a web browser. They don't need to install any special software. They can run ACP from any Windows, Macintosh, or Linux machine that supports a web browser. Any Analytica user, even with the Free edition, can set up a free account to run and share models in ACP. ACP Group Accounts support collaboration by letting multiple users in an organization set up shared folders with ACP.

Analytica Decision Engine (ADE): ADE runs Analytica models on a server computer. It provides an application programming inter- face (API) to provide access to view, edit, and run models from another application, including a web server. You can create a user interface to models via a web browser, so that many end users can view and run a model via the Internet. You need Analytica Enterprise as the development tool to create models to run with ADE. The ADE Kit includes a license for Analytica Enterprise in addition to ADE. See Analytica Decision Engine for details.

See Also


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