ADE User Guide

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Analytica Decision Engine (ADE) offers an Application Programming Interface (API) to enable other applications to run and access an Analytica model running on a server. The other application may supply inputs, run the model, and collect and display results. It may also create, read, check, parse, evaluate, modify, and save Analytica models. ADE provides access using the Component Object Model (COM), the widely-used standard for communication between processes or applications. Most widely-used programming languages support COM.

ADE runs Analytica models created with a desktop edition of Analytica. ADE offers the same model parsing and calculation engine used in Analytica. But, ADE includes no user interface, as Analytica does on a desktop computer. Most ADE developers build their own custom user interface as a web application or desktop application.

If you want deploy an Analytica model for access via the web, the easiest way is to use Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP). ACP offers a user interface similar to desktop Analytica, with some additional features, such as tabs and embedded tables and charts suited to a web application. You can upload a model to run in ACP directly from inside your Analytica desktop application: Just select Publish to Cloud from Analytica's File menu. Every Analytica desktop subscription (even Free Edition) includes free access to ACP to deploy your models via the web for a limited number of sessions (usually 25/month). You can also set up an ACP Group Plan for up to 10 or 25 people. For larger enterprise web applications with multiple users, especially with sensitive or proprietary data, you can license ACP to install on your own server. ACP uses ADE internally.

This user guide is for programmers that wish to develop applications using ADE. It includes an introduction, how to install ADE, a Tutorial, details on the ADE COM classes, and a reference to the ADE Server classes. You may read the sections in any order, but there are Previous and Next links at the bottom of each page if you want to read the pages in sequence.


  • Installation of ADE: How to install ADE on your Windows Server computer or Windows desktop (OS 7 or higher).
  • The ADE Tutorial: How to use ADE from within a Visual Basic program. It steps you through building your first ADE application using Visual Basic.
  • Using the ADE Server: A step-by-step guide to the functionality accessible through ADE. You should read this section to get better acquainted with the classes, and their methods and properties. By using the sample code fragments presented in this section in your code, you can begin accessing information in your models from your Visual Basic applications immediately.
  • ADE Server Class Reference: Descriptions of each object class, its properties and methods, including method syntax, data types, and property access. Refer to this section after you’ve read through Using the ADE Server, if you have specific questions about particular methods and properties.

See Also

ADE User Guide Introduction to ADE

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