ADE Server Class Reference

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ADE User Guide >

These are the ADE server classes:

  • CAEngine class contains methods and properties that allow you to open and close existing models, create new models, create new Analytica objects, and access Analytica objects contained in your model. Use of ADE really starts with the creation of a CAEngine object, from which all else flows.
  • CAObject is ADE's wrapper for an Analytica object, such as a variable or module. It provides access the the object's attributes, including its definition and result. It often is used as a stepping stone for obtaining a variable's result table.
  • CATable provides the equivalent of an intelligent array. It is used to wrap an Edit Table, allowing your program to change cell values, or a result array, allowing you to access individual cells, slices, or even a graph image of the result.
  • CAIndex provides information about the index of a CATable.
  • CALicense provides a method for instantiating a CAEngine, and provides details about why such an instantiation failed, which would otherwise not be available if you instantiate the CAEngine directly. It also provides some information about limitations in your license to use ADE.
  • CAPicture holds an in-memory image atom when a result, or the cell of a result, is an image.
  • CAGraphPivot provides information about the current pivot state of a graph, possible next pivots, and allows you to change the pivot of a graph.
  • CAFiller represents a graphing dimension for CAGraphPivot's graphing roles.
  • IAdeUICallbacks is an interface that allows you to implement callbacks that are called when Analytica functions requiring user input are evaluated. You can implement these callbacks to support these user interface interactions in your own application. In many cases, the name of each method corresponds fairly directly with the name of the Analytica function that produces the user interaction. When your application does not implement this interface, most of the functions requiring user interaction will do nothing when evaluated in ADE.
  • IAdeUIWindowCallbacks is an interface which contains the ShowWindow() and CloseWindow() functions, and which is called when sending older typescript "Show windowType obj" and "Close windowType obj" commands. This allows the use of these commands in a more general fashion, including cases where scripts appear in conditionals, in functions, etc. When your application does not implement this interface, these newer functions will do nothing when evaluated in ADE, and the script commands will perform as in earlier releases.

The "IAde" prefix stands for "Interface ADE". Your own code can define a class that subclasses this interface and implements its method, and then pass it to CAEngine::SetCallbackObject.

New to ADE 4.6


The attached PHP script:

  1. Creates an instance of ADE.
  2. Creates a new model.
  3. Creates a Variable Object.
  4. Modifies the definition of the created Variable to '4+1*7'.
  5. Get the result back from the created object and prints it out.
  6. Saves the created model to a file 'TestModel.ana' in the current directory.
  7. Closes the model.
    $currentPath = getcwd()."\\";
    $ade = new COM("ADE6.CAEngine") or die("Unable to instantiate ADE");
    echo "ADE successfully loaded.\n";
    $modelCreated = $ade->CreateModel("MyNewModel");
    if($modelCreated == true){
        echo "Model successfully created.\n";

        $newObject = $ade->CreateObject("MyVariable", "Variable");
        $newObject->SetAttribute("Definition", "4+1*7");

        $result = $newObject->Result();
        echo "The new object's result is: ". $result .".\n";

        echo "Model succussfully closed.\n\n";
        echo "Model creation failed.\n\n";

See Also

Working with Models, Modules, and Files in ADE <- ADE Server Class Reference -> CAEngine

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