Diagram Style dialog

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Use the Diagram Style dialog to display or hide arrows for specified node classes, set the node size, and customize the font size and typeface for nodes. The settings for a diagram apply to all the nodes in the diagram, unless you override them for particular nodes using the Node Style dialog. They are also inherited by diagrams of submodules, unless you override them using the Diagram Style dialog for a submodule. If you want to reset the defaults for the entire model, open the Diagram style dialog in the top level Model diagram.

To display the Diagram Style dialog, select Set Diagram Style from the Diagram menu.

Diagram style dialog6.0.png

Diagram arrow display options

Drag this anchor to set default node size

Diagram font style options

Show arrows to/from: By default, diagrams show influence between two nodes to show that the destination node contains the origin node in its Definition. It excepts Indexes nodes because indexes often have so many outputs that it can make the arrows confusing. It also shows influence diagrams from a variable to a Module, Module to variable, or between modules, to represent influences between variables in the modules. Also by default, it doesn't show influences to or from Function nodes. For a dynamic variable, it shows time-lagged dependencies from other variables with a grayed arrow. You can change all these defaults by checking or unchecking these checkboxes: Indexes, Functions, Modules, Dynamic and Check. Check controls whether to show arrows to represent dependencies in the Check attribute of a variable.

Default node size: Drag the handle in this box to change the default node size {{{3}}}. When you create a new variable or select the Adjust Size command from the Diagram menu, it tries to make the node this size. If the node title is too large to fit, it expands the node vertically until it fits. It is usually best to size the default to include at least two lines of text at the selected font size. Input and output nodes do not use this default; they extend horizontally to fit their text plus field or button.

Button style: Specifies the visual appearance of buttons that appear in User Input and User output nodes. This option does not appear if you are using a release earlier than Analytica 5.0, or if you are using non-Clear type text. These are the styles with examples:

Normal text   VirtButtonNormalText6.0.png
Bold text VirtButtonBoldText6.0.png
Flat VirtButtonFlat6.4.png
Blank VirtButtonBlank6.0.png
Icon VirtButtonIcon6.0.png
Bare icon VirtButtonBareIcon6.0.png

Font Style: To change the default font size, use the menu or type in a font size (in typographic points). Select the default typeface from the font menu.

ClearType fonts: This checkbox appears only if you have opened a very old legacy model that was created prior to Analytica 4.4 and has never been converted to use the nicer looking ClearType fonts in diagram nodes. If this is unchecked, it is recommended that you turn it on. In addition to making your diagrams look nicer, some functionality in only available when using ClearType fonts. After you turn it on, you may find that the text in some nodes is slightly wider or more narrow, and hence some nodes may word wrap at different places. If this happens, you may want to adjust some node widths slightly to make things look better.

Overriding diagram defaults: The Diagram Style dialog sets defaults for the diagram and for any modules contained in that diagram. You can override these defaults for particular nodes with the Node Style dialog, or for a submodule by using the Diagram style dialog for the submodule.

See Also


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