Plot solid prob bands
New to Analytica 5.2
Use this function from the OnGraphDraw attribute to plot a solid fill between symmetry percentiles in a probability bands result view.
Plot solid prob bands (canv, info, roles, transparency)
Fills in a solid band behind a probability bands view. To be used from the OnGraphDraw attribute. Usage:
- Set "Evaluate before drawing" AND "Evaluate after axes, before data"
- Set the OnGraphDraw expression to:
roleChanges := Plot_solid_prob_band( canv, info, roles )
- Select the bands view for your result.
- Make sure you have Color=.Probability for the pivot.
The function uses the lower percentile color (for example, for the 5- to 95-percentile fill, it uses the color for the 5-percentile, with the «transparency» applied. The «transparency» parameter in an number between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 is fully opaque, and 1.0 is full transparency (invisible). The default is a «transparencyMask» of 0.5. Because transparency blends the colors with the white background and with the solid bands behind a given band, the actual colors match the colors of the key exactly only when a «transparencyMask» of 0 is used. However, without transparency, the underlying grid no longer visible.
To use this function ,you must add the OnGraphDraw annotations.ana library to your model.
- Use File → Add Library... to add this library.
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