
Revision as of 23:07, 24 September 2009 by Lchrisman (talk | contribs)


Returns the principal portion of a payment received on an annuity, assuming constant periodic payments and a fixed interest rate.


 Rate: The interest rate per period.
 Per:  The period to compute the principal payment for. {1..NPer}
 NPer: The total number of periods in the annity's lifetime.
 Pv:   The present value. If you receive a loan, this is the
       loan amount as a positive number.  If you give someone
       a loan, this is a negative number.
 Fv:   (Optional) Future value of annuity at the end of the NPer
       periods.  If you receive a loan, this is your final balloon
       payment at the end as a negative number.  If you get money
       back at the end, this is a positive number.
 Type: (Optional) Indicates whether payments are at the beginning of the
       True  = Payments due at beginning of period, with first payment 
               due immediately.
       False = Payments due at end of period. (default)


Financial Functions


You have a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at 6.5% on an initial loan amount of $350K. You have held the mortgage for 5 years -- your next payment will be the 61th payment. How much of your current monthly payment goes towards principle?

-PPmt(6.5%/12,61, 30*12,$350K) → $437.53

As a percentage:

PPmt(6.5%/12, 5*12+1, 30*12, $350K) / Pmt(6.5%/12,30*12,$350k) → 19.8%

See Also


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