Object Window

(Redirected from The Object window)


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The Object window shows the attributes of an object. All objects have a class and identifier — a unique name of up to 20 characters. A variable also has a title, units, description, definition, inputs, and outputs.

Chapter1 40.png

To open an object window: Here are some ways to open the Object window for an object X:

  • Double-click node for X in its Diagram window.
  • Move mouse cursor of node X and click the Object button ToolbarObjectWindowButton.png.
  • Move mouse cursor of node X in its Diagram window and click the Object button ToolbarObjectWindowButton.png (or the F4 key shortcut) in the navigation toolbar:
  • Double-click the entry for X in the Outline window.
  • If a Result window for X is displayed, click the Object button in the navigation toolbar.
  • Double-click X in the Inputs or Outputs list of a variable in an Object window.

Returning to the parent diagram: Click the Parent Diagram button Parent toolbar button.png in the navigation toolbar to see the diagram that contains this object, with the object's node highlighted.


Selecting Attributes to Display

An object may have many attributes, most of which are not of primary interest, and hence, are usually hidden to avoid distracting you from the more pertinent information. However, you may want to display other attributes on the Object Window, or you may wish to hide certain attributes. To do so, make sure you are in edit mode and click the hover icon (ShowHideAttribute.png) that appears in the bottom left corner of the Object Window.

Attribute selection in object window.png

Select an unchecked attribute to show it or an already-checked attribute to hide it. This change to visibility applies only to the object that you are viewing. You can also configure the default visibility for all object windows To do so, switch to Edit Mode, then select Attributes... on the Object menu.


At the top is the class selector. The attributes shown for variable classes, module classes or functions are configured separately. Use the class selector to select the object types that you are configuring. Double click on an attribute in the list to toggle the check mark. Those with check marks display in the Object Window. Those with stars also display, but cannot be disabled.

See Also


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