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ADE User Guide > ADE Server Class Reference > CATable

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Retrieves the value of an input table cell according to «indexLabels», which specify the label for each index of the table in order.

The parameter specifies the coordinates of a cell in the table, using the index labels (CATable::GetDataByElements does the same using index position). When the table is one dimensional, indexLabels can be a single value -- a text value when the index is a list-of-labels, or a number when the index is a numeric list. Otherwise, indexLabels must be an array with N elements when the table is N-dimensional.

The order of the dimensions, as they are listed in «indexLabels», is determined by a previous call to CATable::SetIndexOrder.

The return value is the value of the table cell. The manner in which this value is returned is determined by the CATable::RenderingStyle.

When the result table is zero-dimensional (i.e., atomic, not an array), you must use CATable::AtomicValue to access the value.



dim editTab as CATable = var2d.DefTable
dim indexLabs(1)   ' Contains two elements, (0) and (1)
indexLabs(0) = 3
indexLabs(1) = "green"
editTab.SetIndexOrder( Split("I,J",",") )

ET = editTab.GetDataByLabels(indexLabs)
dim resTab as CATable = var2d.ResultTable
resTab.SetIndexOrder( Split("I,J",","))
RT = resultTab.GetDataByLabels(indexLabs)
RT1 = var1d.ResultTable.GetDataByLabels("red")

Error Codes

24 – “Subscripts must be an array of variants”
25 – “Subscripts cannot be accessed”
26 – “Lower bound of subscript array inaccessible”
27 – “Upper bound of subscript array inaccessible”
28 – “Must specify at least one element in table”
30 – “Position does not exist”

See Also


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