
XNpv(rate, values, dates, I)

Computes the net present value (NPV) of a non-periodic cash flow with constant discount rate.


  • «rate»: the annual discount rate for a 365 day year.
  • «values»: indexed by «I» and contains the cash flow amounts, with positive values indicating inflows (payments received) and negative values indicating outflows (payments made).
  • «dates»: also be indexed by «I» and contains the date in which each payment is made. The date is expressed as the number of days since the date origin (e.g., Jan 4, 1904). The first date is the reference date, which received no discounting.
  • «I»: The index shared by «values» and «dates».

For periodic cash flows, the Npv function can be used without having to specify the actual dates of each payment. The page on Npv discusses the concept of net present value in some detail.

See Also


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