Syntax coloring and fonts and error underlining
New in What's new in Analytica_5.4? Syntax coloring helps you spot mistakes as you read or edit Definitions. It uses different colors for system variables, user global and local variables, keywords, text values, comments, and undefined variables each in a different color. It also shows a squiggly red lines under syntax errors, for example:
By default it uses a font for Definitions (including Edit tables) that is fixed width -- i.e. the same width for each letter or character -- which is conventional for code editors. But, you can change this back to variable width font, change the syntax colors, and the error underlining using these system settings variables, available from Definition / System variables / Settings /
- Set the syntax colors using system variable Syntax colors from Definition / System variables / Settings / Syntax colors (see Sys_SyntaxColors)
- Disable/enable syntax coloring using system variable Enable syntax coloring from Definition / System variables / Settings / Enable syntax coloring (see Sys_EnableSyntaxColo)
- Enable fixed-width font or disable (use variable-width font) using system variable Enable fixed font back from 1 to 0 from Definition / System variables / Settings / Enable fixed font (see Sys_EnableFixedFont)
- Disable/enable error underlining with system variable Enable error underlining, accessible from Definition / System variables / Settings / Enable error underlining (see Sys_EnableErrorUnder)
Enable comment auto-refresher