ParseNumber(x, badVal, decimal)
It converts text «x» to a numeric value, if it has a number format (including dates or time) that is valid in Analytica. If not, e.g. ParseNumber("hello")
, it returns Null, or «badVal» if specified. If «x» is already a number, it just returns the value «x».
If «x» uses a comma for the decimal point, such as "3.14"
, specify the «decimal» parameter to be ','
. («decimal» requires Analytica 5.0)
Text Functions
ParseNumber('3.14') → 3.14
ParseNumber( x, x )
{ Keeps cells that don't parse as text }ParseNumber('3,14', decimal:',') → 3.14
If «x» is an array, it will try to parse each element of the array -- it fully supportsIntelligent Arrays, like most Analytica functions.
ParseNumber is often useful when reading data from flat files, using ReadCsvFile or ReadTextFile. [[ParseCSV] tries to parse numbers automatically (by default), so you don't need to use ParseNumber.
You can coerce a text to be numeric in other ways. For example, you can declare a function parameter with the qualifiers "Coerce Numeric". If the actual parameter is text, it will try to convert it to a number when it calls the function. The Number format of the variable that contains the call to the function determines how the value is interpreted. Usually, it should not be a date number format.
- ParseNumber was introdued to Analytica 4.2 as a built-in function.
- The «decimal» parameter was introduced in Analytica 5.0
See Also
- ParseNum
- NumberToText
- Number format
- NumberFormat attribute
- Binary and hexadecimal integer formats
- Base Conversion Function Library
- ParseDate
- ReadTextFile
- ReadCsvFile
- Text functions
- Function Parameter Qualifiers (especially the coerce qualifier)
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