Fonts in ACP
How fonts show Fonts in ACP
- If a model is created with a font available on your machine, or a google font which ACP recognizes, ACP will show the text with that font.
- If a model is saved with a font not present on your computer, ACP will fall back to a similar font.
Fonts that are defined in ACP
In order for a font to appear correctly in your browser, it must be installed on your computer or in the browser. If, for instance you create model with a Microsoft font, and people are looking at it in ACP from a Macintosh - they will probably not have the font on their computer.
Fallback Handling
ACP has a fallback system in case an embedded font fails to load. The CSS specifies alternative system fonts or generic font families (e.g., 'sans-serif') as backups. This fallback mechanism ensures that if an embedded font is not available or fails to load due to network issues, a suitable replacement font will be used automatically.
The fonts ACP recognizes are set in a list in the AcpConfig.json file. For those with an ACP server license, fonts can be customized there.
ACP uses this list to decide which font it will fall back to if a given font is not present on your machine.
Serif Fonts:
- "Times New Roman", "Times", "Garamond", "Georgia", "Bodoni", "Argesta", "American Typewriter", "Baskerville", "Palatino", "Didot", "Libre Baskerville", "Caslon", "Sabon", "Rockwell", "Rockwell Nova", "Minion", "Trajan", "Cambria", "Source Serif Pro", "EB Garamond", "Bookman", "Bookman Old Style", "Bembo", "Goudy Old Style", "Goudy Stout", "Mrs Eaves", "Monaco", "Adobe Caslon", "Apperal", "Beirut", "Juana", "Lora", "Giveny", "Maiah", "Butler", "Quincy", "Rostemary", "Bogart", "Zilla Slab", "Zapf Chancery", "Vivaldi", "Stix", "Source Serif Pro", "PT Serif", "Playfair Display", "Noto Serif", "Merriweather", "Joanna", "Iowan Old Style", "Cochin", "Casion", "Zapfino", "Perpetua", "Hoefler Text", "Century Schoolbook", "Book Antiqua", "Bell MT"
Sans-Serif Fonts:
- "Segoe UI", "Avant Garde", "Arial Black", "Lucida Sans", "Impact", "Comic Sans MS", "Trebuchet MS", "Trebuchet", "Helvetica", "Arial", "Arial Narrow", "Verdana", "Tahoma", "Calibri", "Century Gothic", "Open Sans", "Lato", "Futura", "Montserrat", "Roboto", "Raleway", "Avenir", "Source Sans Pro", "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", "Univers", "Franklin Gothic", "Frutiger", "Gotham", "Optima", "Proxima Nova", "Oswald", "Quicksand", "Play", "Amatic SC", "Pacifico", "Dancing Script", "Lobster", "Trattatello", "Source Sans Pro", "PT Sans", "Myriad Pro", "Kabel", "Fira Sans", "DIN", "Comic Neue", "Charcoal", "Ubuntu", "Papyrus", "Lucida Grande", "Helvetica Neue", "Geneva", "Fantasy", "Cursive", "Corbel", "Copperplate", "Chalk Duster", "Bradley Hand"
Monospace Fonts:
- "Courier New", "Consolas", "Andale Mono", "Courier", "Lucida Console", "Monaco", "Courier Prime", "Fira Mono", "Menlo", "Source Code Pro", "Ubuntu Mono"
Google fonts
ACP also uses a selection of embedded Google Fonts. These fonts are applied automatically, so users don’t need to configure or adjust anything. If the model is written with this font it will display correctly.
Note these Google fonts are not typically present on a Windows computer, but they can be downloaded and installed on Windows for writing your models if you decide to go with a Google font.
Google fonts are hosted on Google’s servers, so users’ browsers must request them externally, which may affect load time slightly.
The following Google fonts are embedded in ACP
- Roboto, Open Sans, Montserrat, Lato, Poppins, Inter, Noto Sans, Roboto Mono, Inconsolata, Merriweather
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