ADE User Guide > ADE Server Class Reference > CAEngine
New to ADE 4.6
A bit field of flags that control certain properties of ADE.
- 1 = Allow hiding and unhiding of definitions.
- When this is not set, you cannot change the Att__CloakDefn attribute from ADE. Since applications in ADE are usually using a model that was previously build in Analytica, you will usually want this off. If you wanted to allow a user to hide or unhide definitions from your application, as they can in Analytica Enterprise, then you would need set this flag.
Data Type
unsigned long
Example Usage
CAEngine ade = new CAEngine; ade.Flags = ade.Flags | 0x0001; // allow hiding / unhiding. | is the bit-OR operator in C#, C++ and other languages.
Setting Att__cloakDefn =
Errors will result if you attempt to set Att__cloakdefn without the 0x0001 flag.
ade.Flags = ade.Flags & ~1; // disallow hiding/unhiding of definitions CAObject xObj = ade.Get("X"); xObj.SetAttribute("Att__cloakDefn",0); // fails if (ade.ErrorCode!=0) { // Error code is 36 = Attribute could not be set. // OutputBuffer is "You cannot hide or unhide the definition of x" }
See Also
Enable comment auto-refresher