Preferences dialog/How preference dialog settings are represented

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This page documents what actually gets changed when you change a setting on the Preferences dialog, for example, which system variable is set, etc. Please see Preferences dialog for a description of what of each preference setting does.

Change identifier

Preferences dialog change identifier.png
SysVar Naming
0=Don't rename (When title changes unchecked)
1=Ask (Both checked )
2=Don't ask (When title changes checked, Ask before renaming unchecked)
5=Ask then backquote
6=Don't ask then backquote
SysVar NameSize
Max number of characters in auto-generated (from title) identifier

X+Y Opens

Preferences dialog x+y+opens.png
SysVar Editor
0 = Object window
1 = Attribute panel

Default result view

Preferences dialog default result view.png
SysVar UseTable := 0
SysVar UseTable := 1

Yes, this polarity is backwards.

Personal preferences

Preferences dialog personal preferences.png

These preferences are not saved with your model, but are retained in the registry as your personal preferences. The registry settings shown here are in the hive:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Lumina Decision Systems/Analytica
Preference System variable Registry setting
Use Return to enter data SwapEnterReturn SwapEnterReturn
Maintain recovery info AutosaveMode AutosaveMode
Expression assist Sys_IntelliSense
  • 0 = off
  • 3 = on
Syntax error underlining Sys_EnableErrorUnder EnableErrorUnderlining
Fixed font in expression fields Sys_EnableFixedFont EnableFixedFont
Syntax coloring in definitions Sys_EnableSyntaxColo EnableSyntaxColoring
Help balloons Sys_BalloonHelp (bit 1) BalloonHelp
...only in browse mode Sys_BalloonHelp (bit 2) BalloonHelp
Large text in attributes & tables AttributeFontSize (13=on, 10=off)

TableFontSize (13=on, 10-off)



Max open windows MaximumOpenWindows MaxOpenWindows

Model preferences

Preferences dialog model preferences.png
Preference System variable
Check variable class TypeChecking (0=off, 1=on)
Check value bounds Checking (bit 1)
...against Check attribute Checking (bit 2)
...against Domain bounds Checking (bit 4)
Show undefined ShowUndef
  • 0=off
  • 1=on (hatch when either defn or check is unparseable)
  • 2=hatch when def is unparsed, but check attribute doesn't impact
Show result mode icons NodeInfo::showformicon of FormNode
Flag nodes without descriptions ShowDescriptionMarks
Show module hierarchy ShowHier
Show result warnings AllWarnings
Auto recompute outgoing OLE links OleAutoRecompute
Use Excel date origin Sv__DateOriginOffset
  • 0 = off (1-Jan-1904)
  • -1462 = on (30-Dec-1899)

Legacy model settings

Preferences dialog legacy model settings.png
! Preference System variable or attribute
Domain acts as self index Sys_DomainSelfIndex
Proactively evaluate indexes ProactivelyEvaluate of Index (1 bit)
Deprecated x+y behavior for text PlusOnTextReturnsNaN
  • 0 = on (legacy)
  • 1 = off
m..n decrements when m>n Sys_DotDotSequenceIsStrict
  • 0 = on (legacy)
  • 1 = off

See also


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