Comparing results

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Analytica User Guide >

It’s easy to compare directly two or more variables in one table or graph.

  1. Select the variables together in the diagram, using Shift+click to add each to the selection, or dragging a selection rectangle around them. Chapter2 27.png
  2. Click Chapter2 2.png in the navigation toolbar, or press Control+r.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.

Chapter2 28.png

This creates a new variable with a default identifier, Compare1, with a list of the selected variables.

Chapter2 29.png

The result of Compare1 is a graph containing an index containing the titles of the variables being compared. This is the Self index of the Compare1. It also includes all the indexes of the array variables being compared — in this case, Time and Buying Price.

Chapter2 30.png

This helps clarify how the interest payments reduce (become less negative) as the principal payments on the mortgage increase (become more negative).

See Also

Uncertainty views <- Comparing results -> Chapter 3: Analyzing Model Behavior

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