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[[ADE User Guide]] > [[ADE Server Class Reference]] > [[IAdeUICallbacks]]
[[ADE User Guide]] > [[ADE Server Class Reference]] > [[IAdeUICallbacks]]
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= long [[IAdeUICallbacks]]::ShowProgressBar([in] string title, [in] string text, [in] double p) =
= long [[IAdeUICallbacks/zh|IAdeUICallbacks]]::ShowProgressBar([in] string title, [in] string text, [in] double p) =
Called when the [[ShowProgressBar]]() function is evaluated.  Implement this to display a progress bar to the user.
When this is called, you should make a progress bar visible if none is currently visible, set the progress indicator and text, and return immediately. Optionally, you can wait for the user to press OK when «p» is exactly 1.0. You code should leave the progress bar visible. This function will be repeatedly called to update the progress. When the computation is finally complete, the [[IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar|HideProgressBar]]() method will be called, at which point your code can hide the progress bar.
当调用此函数时,如果当前看不见任何进度条,你应该使一个进度条可见,并立即返回。你也可以选择等待当«p»值等于1.0.0时用户按下OK键。你的代码应该让进度条可见,此函数将被重复调用以更新进度。当计算最终结束时,[[IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar/zh|HideProgressBar]]() 方法将被调用,此时你的代码可以隐藏进度条。
== 参 数 ==
== 参 数 ==
The «title» parameter specifies the caption that Analytica would display in the title bar of the progress bar dialog.
«title»参数指明Analytica 将在进度条对话窗口中的标题栏中显示什么标题。
The «text» is the text that Analytica would display in the body of the progress bar dialog.
The «p» parameter is a fractional number between 0 and 1, indicating the percent complete that should be depicted on the progress bar.
== 返回值 ==
== 返回值 ==
The function should return '''True''' if the user has requested the computation to be cancelled, or '''False''' otherwise.
= 示例 =
= 示例 =
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= 另请参考 =
= 另请参考 =
* [[ShowProgressBar]]() function
* [[ShowProgressBar]]() 函数
* [[IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar]] method
* [[IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar/zh|IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar]]方法

Latest revision as of 03:46, 27 October 2015

ADE User Guide > ADE Server Class Reference > IAdeUICallbacks

Other languages:
English • ‎中文

long IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar([in] string title, [in] string text, [in] double p)


当调用此函数时,如果当前看不见任何进度条,你应该使一个进度条可见,并立即返回。你也可以选择等待当«p»值等于1.0.0时用户按下OK键。你的代码应该让进度条可见,此函数将被重复调用以更新进度。当计算最终结束时,HideProgressBar() 方法将被调用,此时你的代码可以隐藏进度条。

参 数

«title»参数指明Analytica 将在进度条对话窗口中的标题栏中显示什么标题。








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