Difference between revisions of "IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar/zh"

(Created page with "在ShowProgressBar()被计算时最少调用一次,计算已经完成或者进度条从视野内隐藏。")
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= void [[IAdeUICallbacks]]::HideProgressBar() =
= void [[IAdeUICallbacks]]::HideProgressBar() =
Called when the [[ShowProgressBar]]() function has been evaluated at least once, and the computation has completed or the progress bar should be hidden from view.
You'll implement this function along with [[IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar]] if you want your user-interface build on top of [[ADE]] to be able to provide progress feedback for models that call the [[ShowProgressBar]]() function.
You'll implement this function along with [[IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar]] if you want your user-interface build on top of [[ADE]] to be able to provide progress feedback for models that call the [[ShowProgressBar]]() function.

Revision as of 03:00, 27 October 2015

ADE User Guide > ADE Server Class Reference > IAdeUICallbacks

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void IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar()


You'll implement this function along with IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar if you want your user-interface build on top of ADE to be able to provide progress feedback for models that call the ShowProgressBar() function.

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