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= 另请参考 =
= 另请参考 =
* [[IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar]] method
* [[IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar/IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar]]方法
* [[ShowProgressBar]]() function
* [[ShowProgressBar]]() 函数

Revision as of 02:57, 27 October 2015

ADE User Guide > ADE Server Class Reference > IAdeUICallbacks

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void IAdeUICallbacks::HideProgressBar()

Called when the ShowProgressBar() function has been evaluated at least once, and the computation has completed or the progress bar should be hidden from view.

You'll implement this function along with IAdeUICallbacks::ShowProgressBar if you want your user-interface build on top of ADE to be able to provide progress feedback for models that call the ShowProgressBar() function.

参 数





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