Weibull estimation library

Weibull distributions are widely used for estimating the time to breakdown or failure for a car, power plant, or other machine or device will break down, and even for the lifetime of people. This library includes functions to estimate Weibull distributions for time to failure or death from data. It includes a function to estimate distribution parameters from a population of machines or people, some of whom are still working or still alive. Other functions give the mean, median, and variance, and percentiles of a Weibull from its shape (k) and scale (lamda) parameters (and vice versa).

Weibull estimation lib.png

Weibull_Estimate(age, i) estimates the Weibull parameters from lifespan (age at death) when all population has failed (died).

Weibull_est_RC(age, died, i) estimates Weibull parameters from lifespan (age at death) or age using "right-censored" (RC) data -- i.e. when some individuals have survived. This function requires the Analytica Optimizer. The other functions will work fine with lesser editions of Analytica

Download: media:Weibull estimation lib.ana

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