Viewing the final results of both populations

1. Select ‘Edit Time’ from the Definition menu. Object window of Time should appear. Click the expr popup button, select ‘Sequence’

Object time sequenc 1.2.jpg

2. Question box will appear, prompting you to ‘Replace current definition…’ click ‘ok’.

Object time sequenc 1.3.jpg

3. Object Finder window should appear. Change the parameter end from 10 to ‘100’, click ‘ok’.

Object finder 100.jpg

4. Close the Object window for Time

5.Select ‘Populations’ objective node. Click on the Result button. A Result window should appear. Click on the ‘Calculate’ button.

Result Populations.1.3.jpg

6. Your result should have a result similar to this.

Result Populations.1.4.jpg

See Also


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