How to edit Ana wiki

Ana wiki is implemented in Mediawiki, almost the same software used by Wikipedia. Here are ways to view and edit it, using the tabs at the top of each page (a.k.a. article):

  • Discussion (also known as Talk) is a page for comments on what is in the main page or article -- such as requests for more information, clarification, or items that are questionable -- aimed at others (Lumina staff or others). Feel free to add these. Lumina will review these regularly.
  • Edit to modify or add to the article. It shows buttons at the top of the editing window for common text styles, such as bold, italic, including links and so on. See below for more details.
  • History to see and compare recent changes to the page. It also lets one revert to an earlier version, in case of accidental or unhelpful changes.
  • Watch to set a watch on this page so that you are automatically emailed a notification when it changes. Good for topics of special interest to you.

Help with MediaWiki Markup

MediaWiki Editing Handbook

Reference Card: A one page summary to print and use next to your computer.




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