Error Messages/40182

Error message

In expression '«attrib» OF «obj» := «expr»', «obj» must be the text identifier of a Variable or other object, or a handle to an object. It does not work for an array of identifiers or handles.

What it means

In an assignment to an attribute of the form

att OF obj := expr

«expr» must evaluate to a single text value, not an array. This operation does not array abstract

Revised message

In an assignment to an attribute of the form 

   ''att ''OF ''obj '':= ''expr''

 ''obj ''may be

 * the identifier of an object

 * a text value that is the identifier of an object, including an expression that returns a text value

 * a handle to an object, including an expression that returns a handle.

  Neither ''obj nor expr can ''be an array:  Attribute assignment does not array abstract.

See Also


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