Entering extended characters
New to Analytica 6.3
Sometimes you want to type an extended character that does not appear on your keyboard.
How to type an extended character
When entering an attribute value or cell value into Analytica, you can type the extended character by typing a backslash ( \
), the character name, then the TAB key. Here are some examples (where [TAB] means press the TAB key):
You type Entered as \euro[TAB] € \Omega[TAB] Ω \omega[TAB] ω \rarr[TAB] →
Some character names are sensitive to the upper/lower case of the first character (such as omega vs. Omega), but most are not. As you start typing a character name in an expression attribute, Expression Assist pops up with possible character name completions to help you.
If you know the hexadecimal code for the unicode character, you can enter it by typing backslash, plus, the hex code and [TAB]. For example,
You type Entered as \+2bb9[TAB] ⮹ \+27d6[TAB] ⟖
Character names
Here's a list of all the extended characters that you can type using their names:
You type | You get |
\![TAB] \exclamdown[TAB] |
¡ |
\sterling[TAB] | £ |
\yen[TAB] | ¥ |
\brokenbar[TAB] | ¦ |
\S[TAB] | § |
\copyright[TAB] \circledC[TAB] |
© |
\ordfemiminine[TAB] | ª |
\<<[TAB] | « |
\neg[TAB] | ¬ |
\registered[TAB] \circled[TAB] |
® |
\highminus[TAB] | ¯ |
\deg[TAB] | ° |
\pm[TAB] \plusMinus[TAB] |
± |
\^2[TAB] | ² |
\^3[TAB] | ³ |
\micro[TAB] | µ |
\P[TAB] | ¶ |
\middleDot[TAB] | · |
\^1[TAB] | ¹ |
\ordmasculine[TAB] | º |
\>>[TAB] | » |
\1/4[TAB] | ¼ |
\1/2[TAB] | ½ |
\3/4[TAB] | ¾ |
\?[TAB] \questiondown[TAB] |
¿ |
\A`[TAB] | À |
\A'[TAB] | Á |
\A^[TAB] | Â |
\A~[TAB] | Ã |
\A:[TAB] | Ä |
\Ao[TAB] | Å |
\AE[TAB] | Æ |
\C~[TAB] | Ç |
\E`[TAB] | È |
\E'[TAB] | É |
\E^[TAB] | Ê |
\E:[TAB] | Ë |
\I`[TAB] | Ì |
\I'[TAB] | Í |
\I^[TAB] | Î |
\I:[TAB] | Ï |
\DH[TAB] | Ð |
\N~[TAB] | Ñ |
\O`[TAB] | Ò |
\O'[TAB] | Ó |
\O^[TAB] | Ô |
\O~[TAB] | Õ |
\O:[TAB] | Ö |
\x[TAB] | × |
\O[TAB] \empty[TAB] |
Ø |
\U`[TAB] | Ù |
\U'[TAB] | Ú |
\U^[TAB] | Û |
\U:[TAB] | Ü |
\Y'[TAB] | Ý |
\TH[TAB] | Þ |
\ss[TAB] | ß |
\a`[TAB] | à |
\a'[TAB] | á |
\a^[TAB] | â |
\a~[TAB] | ã |
\a:[TAB] | ä |
\ao[TAB] | å |
\ae[TAB] | æ |
\c~[TAB] | ç |
\e`[TAB] | è |
\e'[TAB] | é |
\e^[TAB] | ê |
\e:[TAB] | ë |
\i`[TAB] | ì |
\i'[TAB] | í |
\i^[TAB] | î |
\i:[TAB] | ï |
\eth[TAB] | ð |
\n~[TAB] | ñ |
\o`[TAB] | ò |
\o'[TAB] | ó |
\o^[TAB] | ô |
\o~[TAB] | õ |
\o:[TAB] | ö |
\div[TAB] | ÷ |
\o[TAB] | ø |
\u`[TAB] | ù |
\u'[TAB] | ú |
\u^[TAB] | û |
\u:[TAB] | ü |
\y'[TAB] | ý |
\th[TAB] | þ |
\y:[TAB] | ÿ |
\A^-[TAB] | Ā |
\a^-[TAB] | ā |
\C'[TAB] | Ć |
\c'[TAB] | ć |
\C^[TAB] | Ĉ |
\c^[TAB] | ĉ |
\C.[TAB] | Ċ |
\c.[TAB] | ċ |
\D-[TAB] | Đ |
\d-[TAB] | đ |
\E^-[TAB] | Ē |
\e^-[TAB] | ē |
\Hbar[TAB] | Ħ |
\hbar[TAB] | ħ |
\I^~[TAB] | Ĩ |
\imath[TAB] | ı |
\IJ[TAB] | IJ |
\ij[TAB] | ij |
\L[TAB] | Ł |
\l[TAB] | ł |
\ng[TAB] | ŋ |
\OE[TAB] | Œ |
\oe[TAB] | œ |
\hvlig[TAB] | ƕ |
\nrleg[TAB] | ƞ |
\Zbar[TAB] | Ƶ |
\zbar[TAB] | ƶ |
\doublepipe[TAB] | ǂ |
\schwa[TAB] | ə |
\pgamma[TAB] | ɣ |
\pbgam[TAB] | ɤ |
\clomeg[TAB] | ɷ |
\esh[TAB] | ʃ |
\trnt[TAB] | ʇ |
\rtlt[TAB] | ʈ |
\invv[TAB] | ʌ |
\invw[TAB] | ʍ |
\trny[TAB] | ʎ |
\acute[TAB] | ́ |
\hat[TAB] | ̂ |
\tilde[TAB] | ̃ |
\bar[TAB] | ̄ |
\overbar[TAB] | ̅ |
\breve[TAB] | ̆ |
\dot[TAB] | ̇ |
\ddot[TAB] | ̈ |
\ovhook[TAB] | ̉ |
\ocirc[TAB] | ̊ |
\[TAB] | ̋ |
\Alpha[TAB] | Α |
\Beta[TAB] | Β |
\Gamma[TAB] | Γ |
\Delta[TAB] | Δ |
\Epsilon[TAB] | Ε |
\Zeta[TAB] | Ζ |
\Eta[TAB] | Η |
\Theta[TAB] | Θ |
\Iota[TAB] | Ι |
\Kappa[TAB] | Κ |
\Lambda[TAB] | Λ |
\Mu[TAB] | Μ |
\Nu[TAB] | Ν |
\Xi[TAB] | Ξ |
\Omicron[TAB] | Ο |
\Pi[TAB] | Π |
\ho[TAB] |
Ρ |
\Sigma[TAB] | Σ |
\Tau[TAB] | Τ |
\Upsilon[TAB] | Υ |
\Phi[TAB] | Φ |
\Chi[TAB] | Χ |
\Psi[TAB] | Ψ |
\Omega[TAB] | Ω |
\alpha[TAB] | α |
\beta[TAB] | β |
\gamma[TAB] | γ |
\delta[TAB] | δ |
\varepsilon[TAB] | ε |
\zeta[TAB] | ζ |
\eta[TAB] | η |
\theta[TAB] | θ |
\iota[TAB] | ι |
\kappa[TAB] | κ |
\lambda[TAB] | λ |
\mu[TAB] | μ |
\nu[TAB] | ν |
\xi[TAB] | ξ |
\omicron[TAB] | ο |
\pi[TAB] | π |
\rho[TAB] | ρ |
\varsigma[TAB] | ς |
\sigma[TAB] | σ |
\tau[TAB] | τ |
\upsilon[TAB] | υ |
\varphi[TAB] | φ |
\chi[TAB] | χ |
\psi[TAB] | ψ |
\omega[TAB] | ω |
\varbeta[TAB] | ϐ |
\vartheta[TAB] | ϑ |
\phi[TAB] | ϕ |
\omegapi[TAB] | ϖ |
\Koppa[TAB] | Ϟ |
\koppa[TAB] | ϟ |
\varkappa[TAB] | ϰ |
\varrho[TAB] | ϱ |
\VarTheta[TAB] | ϴ |
\epsilon[TAB] | ϵ |
\backepsilon[TAB] | ϶ |
\^A[TAB] | ᴬ |
\^AE[TAB] | ᴭ |
\^B[TAB] | ᴮ |
\^D[TAB] | ᴰ |
\^E[TAB] | ᴱ |
\^G[TAB] | ᴳ |
\^H[TAB] | ᴴ |
\^I[TAB] | ᴵ |
\^J[TAB] | ᴶ |
\^K[TAB] | ᴷ |
\^L[TAB] | ᴸ |
\^M[TAB] | ᴹ |
\^N[TAB] | ᴺ |
\^O[TAB] | ᴼ |
\^P[TAB] | ᴾ |
\^[TAB] |
ᴿ |
\^T[TAB] | ᵀ |
\^U[TAB] | ᵁ |
\^W[TAB] | ᵂ |
\^a[TAB] | ᵃ |
\^alpha[TAB] | ᵅ |
\^b[TAB] | ᵇ |
\^d[TAB] | ᵈ |
\^e[TAB] | ᵉ |
\^epsilon[TAB] | ᵋ |
\^g[TAB] | ᵍ |
\^k[TAB] | ᵏ |
\^m[TAB] | ᵐ |
\^o[TAB] | ᵒ |
\^p[TAB] | ᵖ |
\^t[TAB] | ᵗ |
\^u[TAB] | ᵘ |
\^v[TAB] | ᵛ |
\^beta[TAB] | ᵝ |
\^gamma[TAB] | ᵞ |
\^delta[TAB] | ᵟ |
\^phi[TAB] | ᵠ |
\^chi[TAB] | ᵡ |
\_i[TAB] | ᵢ |
\_r[TAB] | ᵣ |
\_u[TAB] | ᵤ |
\_v[TAB] | ᵥ |
\_beta[TAB] | ᵦ |
\_gamma[TAB] | ᵧ |
\_rho[TAB] | ᵨ |
\_phi[TAB] | ᵩ |
\_chi[TAB] | ᵪ |
\enspace[TAB] | |
\emspace[TAB] | |
\thickspace[TAB] | |
\thinspace[TAB] | |
\hspace[TAB] | |
\endash[TAB] | – |
\emdash[TAB] | — |
\dvertbar[TAB] | ‖ |
\_dhoriz[TAB] | ‗ |
\leftdquote[TAB] | “ |
\rightdquote[TAB] | ” |
\dagger[TAB] | † |
\ddagger[TAB] | ‡ |
\bullet[TAB] | • |
\ellipsis[TAB] \dots[TAB] \...[TAB] |
… |
\perthousand[TAB] | ‰ |
\pertenthousand[TAB] | ‱ |
\prime[TAB] | ′ |
\pprime[TAB] | ″ |
\ppprime[TAB] | ‴ |
\backprime[TAB] | ‵ |
\backpprime[TAB] | ‶ |
\backppprime[TAB] | ‷ |
\!![TAB] | ‼ |
\!?[TAB] | ‽ |
\pppprime[TAB] | ⁗ |
\vertellipsis[TAB] \tricolon[TAB] |
⁝ |
\nolinebreak[TAB] | |
\^0[TAB] | ⁰ |
\^i[TAB] | ⁱ |
\^4[TAB] | ⁴ |
\^5[TAB] | ⁵ |
\^6[TAB] | ⁶ |
\^7[TAB] | ⁷ |
\^8[TAB] | ⁸ |
\^9[TAB] | ⁹ |
\^+[TAB] | ⁺ |
\^-[TAB] | ⁻ |
\^=[TAB] | ⁼ |
\^([TAB] | ⁽ |
\^)[TAB] | ⁾ |
\^n[TAB] | ⁿ |
\_0[TAB] | ₀ |
\_1[TAB] | ₁ |
\_2[TAB] | ₂ |
\_3[TAB] | ₃ |
\_4[TAB] | ₄ |
\_5[TAB] | ₅ |
\_6[TAB] | ₆ |
\_7[TAB] | ₇ |
\_8[TAB] | ₈ |
\_9[TAB] | ₉ |
\_+[TAB] | ₊ |
\_-[TAB] | ₋ |
\_=[TAB] | ₌ |
\_([TAB] | ₍ |
\_)[TAB] | ₎ |
\_a[TAB] | ₐ |
\_e[TAB] | ₑ |
\_o[TAB] | ₒ |
\_x[TAB] | ₓ |
\_schwa[TAB] | ₔ |
\_h[TAB] | ₕ |
\_k[TAB] | ₖ |
\_l[TAB] | ₗ |
\_m[TAB] | ₘ |
\_n[TAB] | ₙ |
\_p[TAB] | ₚ |
\_s[TAB] | ₛ |
\_t[TAB] | ₜ |
\peseta[TAB] | ₧ |
\sheqel[TAB] | ₪ |
\euro[TAB] | € |
\drachma[TAB] | ₯ |
\peso[TAB] | ₱ |
\guarani[TAB] | ₲ |
\austral[TAB] | ₳ |
\cedi[TAB] | ₵ |
\tenge[TAB] | ₸ |
\rupee[TAB] | ₹ |
\mark[TAB] | ₻ |
\manat[TAB] | ₼ |
\ruouble[TAB] | ₽ |
\lari[TAB] | ₾ |
\baht[TAB] | ₿ |
\asteraccent[TAB] | ⃰ |
\bbC[TAB] | ℂ |
\eulerE[TAB] | ℇ |
\scrg[TAB] | ℊ |
\scrH[TAB] | ℋ |
\frakH[TAB] | ℌ |
\bbH[TAB] | ℍ |
\ith[TAB] \planck[TAB] |
ℎ |
\plank2pi[TAB] | ℏ |
\srcll[TAB] | ℐ |
\frank[TAB] | ℑ |
\scrL[TAB] | ℒ |
\ell[TAB] | ℓ |
\bbN[TAB] | ℕ |
\numero[TAB] | № |
\bbP[TAB] | ℙ |
\bbQ[TAB] | ℚ |
\scr[TAB] |
ℛ |
\e[TAB] \frak[TAB] |
ℜ |
\bb[TAB] |
ℝ |
\prescription[TAB] |
℞ |
\TEL[TAB] | ℡ |
\TM[TAB] | ™ |
\bbZ[TAB] | ℤ |
\ohm[TAB] | Ω |
\mho[TAB] | ℧ |
\frakZ[TAB] | ℨ |
\Angstrom[TAB] | Å |
\srcB[TAB] | ℬ |
\frakC[TAB] | ℭ |
\scrE[TAB] | ℰ |
\scrF[TAB] | ℱ |
\Finv[TAB] | Ⅎ |
\scrM[TAB] | ℳ |
\aleph[TAB] | ℵ |
\beth[TAB] | ℶ |
\gimel[TAB] | ℷ |
\dalet[TAB] | ℸ |
\info[TAB] | ℹ |
\bbpi[TAB] | ℼ |
\bbgamma[TAB] | ℽ |
\BbGamma[TAB] | ℾ |
\BbPi[TAB] | ℿ |
\bbsum[TAB] | ⅀ |
\1/7[TAB] | ⅐ |
\1/9[TAB] | ⅑ |
\1/10[TAB] | ⅒ |
\1/3[TAB] | ⅓ |
\2/3[TAB] | ⅔ |
\1/5[TAB] | ⅕ |
\2/5[TAB] | ⅖ |
\3/5[TAB] | ⅗ |
\4/5[TAB] | ⅘ |
\1/6[TAB] | ⅙ |
\5/6[TAB] | ⅚ |
\1/8[TAB] | ⅛ |
\3/8[TAB] | ⅜ |
\5/8[TAB] | ⅝ |
\7/8[TAB] | ⅞ |
\1/[TAB] | ⅟ |
\larr[TAB] \leftarrow[TAB] |
← |
\uarr[TAB] \uparrow[TAB] |
↑ |
\rarr[TAB] \rightarrow[TAB] |
→ |
\darr[TAB] \downarrow[TAB] |
↓ |
\left[TAB] \ight[TAB] \lrarr[TAB] |
↔ |
\updown[TAB] \udarr[TAB] |
↕ |
\upleft[TAB] | ↖ |
\upright[TAB] | ↗ |
\downright[TAB] | ↘ |
\downleft[TAB] | ↙ |
\larrNot[TAB] | ↚ |
\rarrNot[TAB] | ↛ |
\larrWavy[TAB] | ↜ |
\rarrWavy[TAB] | ↝ |
\larr2headed[TAB] | ↞ |
\uarr2headed[TAB] | ↟ |
\rarr2headed[TAB] | ↠ |
\darr2headed[TAB] | ↡ |
\larrTail[TAB] | ↢ |
\rarrTail[TAB] | ↣ |
\mapsfrom[TAB] | ↤ |
\mapsup[TAB] | ↥ |
\mapsto[TAB] | ↦ |
\mapsdown[TAB] | ↧ |
\updownbar[TAB] | ↨ |
\larrHook[TAB] | ↩ |
\rarrHook[TAB] | ↪ |
\larrLoop[TAB] | ↫ |
\rarrLoop[TAB] | ↬ |
\lrArrowSquiggly[TAB] | ↭ |
\left[TAB] \ightNot[TAB] |
↮ |
\darrZigZag[TAB] | ↯ |
\larrCurve[TAB] | ↶ |
\rarrCurve[TAB] | ↷ |
\larrCircle[TAB] | ↺ |
\rarrCircle[TAB] | ↻ |
\leftHarpoonUp[TAB] | ↼ |
\leftHarpoonDown[TAB] | ↽ |
\upHarpoon[TAB] \ight[TAB] |
↾ |
\upHarpoonLeft[TAB] | ↿ |
\rightHarpoonUp[TAB] | ⇀ |
\rightHarpoonDown[TAB] | ⇁ |
\downHarpoon[TAB] \ight[TAB] |
⇂ |
\downHarpoonLeft[TAB] | ⇃ |
\rightLeftArrows[TAB] | ⇄ |
\upDownArrows[TAB] | ⇅ |
\left[TAB] \ightArrows[TAB] |
⇆ |
\leftLeftArrows[TAB] | ⇇ |
\upUpArrows[TAB] | ⇈ |
\right[TAB] \ightArrows[TAB] |
⇉ |
\downDownArrows[TAB] | ⇊ |
\left[TAB] \ightHarpoons[TAB] |
⇋ |
\ightLeftHarpoons[TAB] |
⇌ |
\LarrNot[TAB] | ⇍ |
\Left[TAB] \ightNot[TAB] |
⇎ |
\arrNot[TAB] |
⇏ |
\Larr[TAB] \LeftArrow[TAB] |
⇐ |
\Uarr[TAB] \UpArrow[TAB] |
⇑ |
\arr[TAB] \ightArrow[TAB] |
⇒ |
\Darr[TAB] \DownArrow[TAB] |
⇓ |
\Left[TAB] \ightArrow[TAB] |
⇔ |
\UpDownArrow[TAB] | ⇕ |
\NWarr[TAB] | ⇖ |
\NEarr[TAB] | ⇗ |
\SEarr[TAB] | ⇘ |
\SWarr[TAB] | ⇙ |
\LarrTriple[TAB] | ⇚ |
\arrTriple[TAB] |
⇛ |
\LarrHollow[TAB] | ⇦ |
\UarrHollow[TAB] | ⇧ |
\arrHollow[TAB] |
⇨ |
\DarrHollow[TAB] | ⇩ |
\ightThreeArrows[TAB] |
⇶ |
\larrTriangle[TAB] | ⇽ |
\rarrTriangle[TAB] | ⇾ |
\lrArrTriangle[TAB] | ⇿ |
\forall[TAB] | ∀ |
\complement[TAB] | ∁ |
\partial[TAB] | ∂ |
\exists[TAB] | ∃ |
\nexists[TAB] | ∄ |
\emptyset[TAB] | ∅ |
\increment[TAB] | ∆ |
\nabla[TAB] \grad[TAB] |
∇ |
\in[TAB] | ∈ |
\notin[TAB] | ∉ |
\smallin[TAB] | ∊ |
\ni[TAB] | ∋ |
\nni[TAB] | ∌ |
\smallni[TAB] | ∍ |
\qed[TAB] | ∎ |
\prod[TAB] | ∏ |
\coprod[TAB] | ∐ |
\sum[TAB] | ∑ |
\minus[TAB] | − |
\minusPlus[TAB] | ∓ |
\dotPlus[TAB] | ∔ |
\setMinus[TAB] | ∖ |
\ast[TAB] | ∗ |
\circ[TAB] | ∘ |
\smallBullet[TAB] | ∙ |
\sqrt[TAB] \surd[TAB] |
√ |
\cuberoot[TAB] | ∛ |
\fourthroot[TAB] | ∜ |
\proportional[TAB] | ∝ |
\infinity[TAB] | ∞ |
\rightAngle[TAB] | ∟ |
\angle[TAB] | ∠ |
\measuredAngle[TAB] | ∡ |
\sphericalAngle[TAB] | ∢ |
\goesInto[TAB] | ∣ |
\nGoesInto[TAB] | ∤ |
\parallel[TAB] | ∥ |
\nparallel[TAB] | ∦ |
\wedge[TAB] | ∧ |
\vee[TAB] | ∨ |
\cap[TAB] \intersect[TAB] |
∩ |
\cup[TAB] \union[TAB] |
∪ |
\int[TAB] | ∫ |
\iint[TAB] | ∬ |
\iiint[TAB] | ∭ |
\oint[TAB] | ∮ |
\oiint[TAB] | ∯ |
\oiiint[TAB] | ∰ |
\therefore[TAB] | ∴ |
\because[TAB] | ∵ |
\proportion[TAB] | ∶ |
\dotminus[TAB] | ∷ |
\sim[TAB] | ∼ |
\backsim[TAB] | ∽ |
\sinewave[TAB] | ∿ |
\nsim[TAB] | ≁ |
\eqsim[TAB] | ≂ |
\simeq[TAB] | ≃ |
\nsime[TAB] | ≄ |
\cong[TAB] | ≅ |
\approxNotEq[TAB] | ≆ |
\ncong[TAB] | ≇ |
\approx[TAB] | ≈ |
\napprox[TAB] | ≉ |
\approxEq[TAB] | ≊ |
\dotEq[TAB] | ≐ |
\dotEqDot[TAB] | ≑ |
\colonEq[TAB] | ≒ |
\eqColon[TAB] | ≓ |
\circEq[TAB] | ≗ |
\neq[TAB] \!=[TAB] |
≠ |
\equiv[TAB] | ≡ |
\nequiv[TAB] | ≢ |
\equiv4[TAB] | ≣ |
\le[TAB] \leq[TAB] \lte[TAB] \!<[TAB] |
≤ |
\ge[TAB] \geq[TAB] \gte[TAB] \!>[TAB] |
≥ |
\leqq[TAB] | ≦ |
\geqq[TAB] | ≧ |
\lneqq[TAB] | ≨ |
\gneqq[TAB] | ≩ |
\muchLessThan[TAB] | ≪ |
\muchGreaterThan[TAB] | ≫ |
\prec[TAB] | ≺ |
\succ[TAB] | ≻ |
\precEq[TAB] | ≼ |
\succEq[TAB] | ≽ |
\nprec[TAB] | ⊀ |
\nsucc[TAB] | ⊁ |
\subset[TAB] | ⊂ |
\supset[TAB] | ⊃ |
\nsubset[TAB] | ⊄ |
\nsupset[TAB] | ⊅ |
\subseteq[TAB] | ⊆ |
\supseteq[TAB] | ⊇ |
\nsubseteq[TAB] | ⊈ |
\nsupseteq[TAB] | ⊉ |
\subsetneq[TAB] | ⊊ |
\supsetneq[TAB] | ⊋ |
\oplus[TAB] | ⊕ |
\ominus[TAB] | ⊖ |
\otimes[TAB] | ⊗ |
\oslash[TAB] | ⊘ |
\odot[TAB] | ⊙ |
\circledcirc[TAB] | ⊚ |
\rtack[TAB] | ⊢ |
\ltack[TAB] | ⊣ |
\dtack[TAB] | ⊤ |
\utack[TAB] | ⊥ |
\models[TAB] | ⊧ |
\doesNotProve[TAB] | ⊬ |
\notTrue[TAB] | ⊭ |
\bigwedge[TAB] | ⋀ |
\bigvee[TAB] | ⋁ |
\bigcap[TAB] \bigIntersect[TAB] |
⋂ |
\bigcup[TAB] \bigUnion[TAB] |
⋃ |
\diamond[TAB] | ⋄ |
\cdot[TAB] | ⋅ |
\star[TAB] | ⋆ |
\divideontimes[TAB] | ⋇ |
\bowtie[TAB] | ⋈ |
\vdots[TAB] | ⋮ |
\cdots[TAB] | ⋯ |
\up[TAB] \ightEllipsis[TAB] |
⋰ |
\diameter[TAB] | ⌀ |
\lceil[TAB] | ⌈ |
\rceil[TAB] | ⌉ |
\lfloor[TAB] | ⌊ |
\rfloor[TAB] | ⌋ |
\checkmarkBoxedInv[TAB] | ☑ |
\cancelXboxedSmall[TAB] | ☒ |
\frownFace[TAB] | ☹ |
\happyFace[TAB] | ☺ |
\spadeSuit[TAB] | ♠ |
\clubSuit[TAB] | ♣ |
\heartSuit[TAB] | ♥ |
\diamondSuit[TAB] | ♦ |
\anchor[TAB] | ⚓ |
\circleHollow[TAB] | ⚪ |
\circleFilled[TAB] | ⚫ |
\checkmarkBoxed[TAB] | ✅ |
\hand[TAB] | ✋ |
\checkmark[TAB] | ✓ |
\checkmarkHeavy[TAB] | ✔ |
\cancelX[TAB] | ✕ |
\cancelXheavy[TAB] | ✖ |
\cancelXitalic[TAB] | ✗ |
\cancelXitalicHeavy[TAB] | ✘ |
\bigTimes[TAB] | ❌ |
\cancelXboxed[TAB] | ❎ |
\_j[TAB] | ⱼ |
\^v[TAB] | ⱽ |
Note: Your browser may add color to some characters in the above table. The character color in Analytica is based on the font color.
The character names are read from the initialization file "characterNames.ini"
, located in the Analytica installation folder.
See Also
- TextCharacterEncode: The
options map from character to name and vise versa. - Chr and Asc
Enable comment auto-refresher