Appendix A - Part 2 of 3


There are several categories of commands:

  • Inspection commands - Commands for displaying objects and attributes.
  • File commands - Commands for creating various kinds of files.
  • User Interface commands - Commands for manipulating the Analytica user interface.
  • Miscellaneous commands - Commands for starting Analytica, ending a work session, getting help, and assorted other Commands.

In general, parameters to commands are optional. If no parameter is specified, Analytica will apply the command to the current object. If a parameter is required and none has been specified, Analytica will display an error message and will not execute the command.

Inspection Commands

Show x
To display an object’s user-specified attributes. See also Show Diagram, etc. in User Interface Commands.

Allshow m To do a Show on model m and all of the objects in it. If no model is specified, the current model is assumed. What o Displays a summary of an object o. If o is a variable it prints its identifier, title, units and value (or indexes of its value if it is an array).

Why v
Prints the identifier, Title, units, and value of variable v and of all those variables on which it depends (its Inputs). Useful for examining why the variable has the value it does.

Shows the Inputs of all objects in a model.

List k
Command to display all of the objects of a particular kind k. If k is omitted, Analytica will display all objects, a horribly long list you probably won't want to see.

Tree o
Command to display the Inputs of an object (variable, Function, or model), the Inputs of those Inputs, and so on.

Profile o
Command to display all the attributes of an object o (both user-specified and computed). Primarily of interest to system developers.

File Commands

Include alias, volRefNum, dirID, class object, filename
Read in a module or library from the specified file's location on a disk.

  • alias refers to a Macintosh File alias (type ‘alis’) resource ID, or 0 if none is specified. Only a model file should specify a non-zero value. If a non-zero value is specified and the resource exists, Analytica uses the Alias manager to resolve the location of the file and ignores the additional information in this attribute. If a zero value is specified or if the resource doesn't exist, Analytica uses the additional information stored in this attribute to locate the file. On Windows, alias should always be 0.
  • volRefNum and dirID are Macintosh HFS specifiers that help locate the file.
  • class and object are this object's class and identifier, respectively, used to check consistency.
  • filename is the actual file name, or pathname.

Command that puts Analytica into update mode, so that it allows redeclarations of already created objects. Existing attributes of such objects will be overwritten by the attributes of the new Versions. This mode is used when reading in new Versions of selected objects.

A Command used to finish an Update File. It changes the Analytica mode to make it illegal to attempt to redeclare existing objects.

User Interface Commands

Open Diagram m
Opens or brings to front the Diagram window for model m.

Open Object o
Opens or brings to front the object window for object o.

Open Result v
Opens the Result window for variable v, in the form it was last viewed.

Close Diagram m
Closes the Diagram window for model m.

Close Object o
Closes the object window for object o.

Close Result v
Closes the Result window for variable v.

Miscellaneous Commands

Command that ends a work session. Analytica will prompt for a File to store the current model.

To see the current date, time, and memory usage.

Close m
In a model File, Close specifies the end of the current model. When used as a Command interactively, Close moves you from a Submodel to its Parent.

To read news about Analytica.

Object Manipulation Commands

Delete o
A Command to remove an object o from a model. You cannot remove user-created objects that have other objects depending on them (outputs). If o has outputs, you must Delete or Rename the outputs.

Rename o
To assign a new identifier to an object. When you rename a variable that has outputs, each output variable's definition is automatically updated to replace the old identifier with the new identifier.

Edit v
Opens up the appropriate window that allows editing the definition for variable v.

Move o m
To move an object o from the model in which it currently resides to the specified model m.

Open m
To make a model m the current model.


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