Analytica 6.0 beta Release notes/Changes in 6.0.4
This page lists all changes in the beta build 6.0.4 that have occurred since the previous beta build 6.0.3.
Maintenance recovery
- When using a RAM drive or network drive, changed the Analytica crash recovery file to be saved in a local temp folder.
File Saving and Loading
- Speed up the process of saving a model to a VPN drive. Previously it was very slow.
Set Att_Templateinput and Att_TemplateOutput to always return a handle.
Diagram - Controls
- Added a boolean option (i.e., with checkbox to indicate the current state) to the right-mouse context menu for a button (and its alias), named: "Run at load time". This sets the ProactivelyEvaluate attribute's bit field to 32 for the button.
- Added "make alias" to the right mouse click menu for buttons.
- Removed "Make user input" and Make user output" from the right click menu of a button alias. (They are not likely to be of any use. They were already not present for the original button node's right click menu).
- Fixed a bug where undrawing an arrow was not removed properly from Min([X])
Functions (Built-in)
- Some sysfunctions were still using the deprecated Var..Do syntax in the description. Replaced this with Local..Do
- Added functionality to test for local indexes with HasIndex()
- Fixed a bug where OnGraphClick wasnot identifying a click inside a filled polygon.
- Fixed a problem with Autoscale (zoom out) hover icons sometimes being off of the left edge, unreachable.
- Fixed a bug where a Module could not be duplicated.
Object window or attribute pane
- Added the ability to allow hyperlinks (in descriptions, for example) to have an option that runs an expression (similar to an OnClick expression) when the hyperlink is clicked. With this you can hyperlink within the model, such as by opening result windows, diagrams, etc.
- Fixed a minor bug where the wrong font showed in a definition when adding text to the beginning
Example models
- Added a new supply chain example model to the Business examples
- Refreshed Lumina's Frontline Optimizer license.
Enable comment auto-refresher