ArgMin and ArgMax

Functions ArgMax(r, i) and ArgMin(r, i)

ArgMax(r, i) returns the value of index i corresponding to the largest value from array r, which must be indexed by i. More specifically, it returns a value, ix where r[i =ix] = Max(r, i). If there are ties, i.e. r has two or more values that are equal largest, it returns the value nearest the end of i. Similarly, ArgMin(r, i) returns the value of i for which r is smallest.


ArgMin( R : vector[I] ; I : ... optional IndexType ; position : optional boolean )
ArgMax( R : vector[I] ; I : ... optional IndexType ; position : optional boolean )

When r has multiple indexes

If array r has an index or indexes in addition to i, ArgMax(r, i) or ArgMin(r, i) return an array indexed by those other indexes, but not by i. For example, if r is indexed by i and j, it will return the value of i for which r is largest (or smallest) for each value of j.

Searching over Multiple Indexes

If you want to find the smallest or largest value of x over more than one index, you can list all those indexes: e.g.

ArgMax(X, I: Mpg, Car_type)

It will then return an array dimensioned by a local index .Dim and any indexes of X that you did not list as parameters. Index .Dim will contain the names of the indexes given as parameters, Mpg and Car_type, in this case. The result will contain the values of Index Mpg and Car_type for which X is maximum (or minimum).

Positional Usage

By default, ArgMax (ArgMin) returns a value of the index. If you specify optional parameter position as true, they return the position of the value in the index for which x is maximum (minumum) -- a number. For example:

 ArgMax(R: Profit, I: UnitPrice, Position: true)

This helps avoid ambiguity when the index contains duplicate values.

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