Analytica 6.0 beta Release notes/Changes in 6.0.4
This page lists all changes in the beta build 6.0.4 that have occurred since the previous beta build 6.0.3.
Maintenance recovery
- When using a RAM drive or network drive, changed the Analytica crash recovery file to be saved in a local temp folder.
File Saving and Loading
- Speed up the process of saving a model to a VPN drive. Previously it was very slow.
Set Att_Templateinput and Att_TemplateOutput to always return a handle.
Diagram - Controls
Added a boolean option (i.e., which checkbox to indicate the current state) to the right-mouse context menu for a button (and its alias), named: Run at load time". This sets the ProactivelyEvaluate attribute's bit 32 for the button.
Enable comment auto-refresher