Wiki translation guide

Revision as of 17:59, 13 August 2015 by Karenlee (talk | contribs)

This page explains how to translate wiki pages using the Translate extension.

Instructions for translating pages

Pages that have been marked for translation have a languages bar at the top of the page, like this:


The small green (or gray) box icon to the right of each language shows the completeness of the translation-- in the example above, Chinese has 4 empty boxes indicating no translation has been started. You can translate to a language not shown in the bar.

  1. In order to begin translating, first click on the "Translate this page" text above the bar.
  2. You will then be taken to the Translate tab for the page, which has a settings bar at the top (shown in the image below) and a list of the sections or units to be translated. Select the appropriate language to be translated to (i.e., "zh" for Chinese) and then press the Fetch button at the right.
    • Translatesettings.jpg
  3. The page will then refresh to show the units to be translated for the selected language, as seen in the image below. Units that have not been translated since the page was last saved are in green, as shown below. To translate a unit, click on the title of unit, which is left of the text, i.e. "Translations:ADE User Guide/1/zh".
    • Currentmessage1.jpeg
  4. Once a unit title is clicked on, you can input the translation in the box below the original text, as seen in the image below. Clicking the down arrow next to the text will copy the original untranslated text into the translation box.
    • Currentmessage2.jpeg
  5. Once the translation has been inputted, either click Save (a) or Save and open next (b). Save (a) will save the translation and close that unit. Save and open next (b) will save the translation, close the unit, and open the next unit.
    • Skip to next (d) will simply skip to the next unit without saving the current unit.
    • Clicking on the X button in the top right corner of the unit will simply close the unit without saving.

Translation Guidelines

The names of classes, properties, methods, and parameters refer to elements of the ADE API. They should stay the same and not be translated. Most section headings contain these names, and so should not be translated. Similarly, code samples should not be translated.

Code and Fixed-Width Text

Don't translate text in tags as well as text between the following tags:

  • <tt></tt>
  • <code></code>
  • <pre></pre>

Lines that begin with a space are also not translated.

This text is software code and does not change for different languages. For example:

Before Translation After Translation
Water <code>Water</code> 水 <code>Water</code>
Water <tt>Water</tt> 水 <tt>Water</tt>
Water <pre>Water</pre> 水 <pre>Water</pre>
Water 1
 Water 2
  Water 3
Water 4
水 1
 Water 2
  Water 3
水 4


Translate link names, but not links. Links appear in double square brackets like so: [[Link]] or [[Link | Link name]]. If a link goes to a page in the ADE User Guide, then the link should be updated to link to the Chinese version of the page. In general, to link to the Chinese version of a page, the link must be updated to Link/zh.

For example:

Before Translation After Translation
[[ADE User Guide]] [[ADE User Guide/zh | ADE用户指南]]
[[CAEngine]] [[CAEngine/zh | CAEngine]]
[[Analytica 4.6]] [[Analytica 4.6]]

In the first example, this updates the link to go to ADE User Guide/zh, the Chinese version of ADE User Guide, but the link will display as ADE用户指南 on the page. In the second example, this updates the link to go to CAEngine/zh, the Chinese version of CAEngine, but the link will display as CAEngine on the page. In the final example, nothing is changed because the page Analytica 4.6 is not in the ADE User Guide.


Functions and parameters are a kind of code, but typically aren't marked within <code> tags. They should not be translated.

Function and parameters names are formally formatted like this:

Function( parameter1, paramter2, ... )

But are often referred to in the text in pieces, often within brackets, bold, or italicized, i.e. like «parameter», parameter, or parameter. For example:

When using Function, «parameter1» should have a numerical value and «parameter1» should be true or false.

Do not translate parameters. The important thing is to keep parameters consistent throughout the text.

Properties and Methods

Properties and methods are similar to functions and parameters in that they are code that should not be translated and are displayed in the following format:

  • Properties: {action} type Command
  • Methods: type Function( parameter, parameter)

They will be found on the ADE Server Class Reference pages or in their own pages -- there are 106 methods and properties pages within the ADE User Guide.

See Also


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