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= NumberFormat Attribute =
= NumberFormat Attribute =

Revision as of 05:28, 13 February 2014

NumberFormat Attribute

This attribute records the Number Format settings for a variable.

In Analytica, only one number format is associated with any one object. To use multiple different number formats in a single table, you must have multiple objects (variables) storing each of the number formats. If you have a self-index consisting of identifiers (or define your result as a list of identifiers), the number format for each column will be taken from the variable who identifier heads that self-index column.


The number format has the following format:

   2, formatcode, proxy, zeroes, separators, currency, 
      digits, trailingZeros, currencysymbol, currencyPlacement, 
      datetemplate, fullPrecision
   - First field is version #
   - Format code: is same as in version 1.
   - Proxy : When format code is a date, this is 
       set to 0, 1, or 2 based on datetype.  For a
       non-date, same as digits.  This is not used
       directly, but is set like this to be upward
       compatible with version 3.1 and before.
   - zeroes: same as in version 1
   - separators: 0 or 1, same as in version 1
   - currency: 0 or 1, same as in version 1
   - trailingZeros: boolean.  True=add trailing zeros to fill out precision
   - digits: # digits for exponent and suffix types.
   - currencySymbol: Multi-character symbol used for 
         currency. Blank will use regional currency
   - currencyPlacement: One of these values:
         0 = $-x
         1 = -$x
         2 = -x$
         3 = $x-
         4 = x$-
         5 = x-$
         6 = ($x)
         7 = (x$)
         8 = use regional setting
   - date template:  A string composed of these fields:
        y = Two digit year with no leading zero, e.g., 5
        yy = Two digit year, e.g., 05
        yyyy = Four digit year, e.g., 2005 
        M = Numeric month (no leading zero), e.g., 4
        MM = Numeric month w/leading zero, e.g., 04
        MMM = Abbreviated month, e.g., Apr
        MMMM = Full month name, e.g., April
        d = day of month, e.g., 9
        dd = day of month w/leading zero, e.g., 09
        ddd = abbreviated ordinal day of month, English only, e.g., 9th
        dddd= Ordinal day of month, English only, e.g., ninth
        Dddd= Ordinal day of month, capitalized, e.g., Ninth
        www = Abbreviated weekday name
        wwww = Weekday name, e.g., Saturday
        q = quarter, 1 through 4, e.g., 2
        LONG : regional long date format, e.g., Saturday, April 9, 2005
        SHORT: regional short date format, e.g., 4/09/05
        ABBREV : abbreviated version of long date format, e.g., Tue, Apr 9, 2005
        SABBREV : abbreviated version of long date format w/o weekday, e.g., Apr 9, 2005
        SLONG : regional long date with weekday stripped, e.g., April 9, 2005
                 ’’’’ : A single quote, e.g., "MMM ’’’’yy" would be to produce "Apr \'05"
                 The doubled ' inside escapes the '. 
        Literal characters: /, -, [dot], [space], [comma]
                 'text' : literal text, e.g., 'Q'q could produce Q2
   - fullPrecision (opt): 0 or 1 (default 0) : whether full precision is req always

Analytica 3.1

In Analytica 1.0 through 3.1, the format was:

   1, formatcode, digits, zeroes, separators, currency
   - First field is version #
   - format code is one of:
       D : Suffix
       E : Exponential
       F : Fixed point
       I : Integer
       % : Percent
       DD: Date
       DB: Boolean
   - digits: Specifies # of digits for exponent and suffix 
             types, or the date type as follows:
          0 = Short
          1 = Long
          2 = Abbrev
   - zeroes: # of digits after the decimal in fixed point
       and percent formats.
   - separators: 0 or 1, whether commas are used
   - currency: 0 or 1, whether currency symbol is shown

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