Difference between revisions of "CATable::IndexName"

(Created page with "<< Back to CATable = CATable::IndexName(indexNumber) = Takes one parameter, «indexNumber», from 1 to NumDims and returns the name of t...")
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[[CATable|<< Back to CATable]]
[[Category:ADE User Guide]]
[[ADE User Guide]] > [[ADE Server Class Reference]] > [[CATable]]
<languages />
= [[CATable]]::IndexName(indexNumber) =
= [[CATable]]::IndexName(indexNumber) =
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* [[CATable::NumDims]]
* [[CATable::NumDims]]
* Analytica function [[IndexNames]]
* Analytica function [[IndexNames]]

Revision as of 01:09, 16 June 2015

ADE User Guide > ADE Server Class Reference > CATable

Other languages:
English • ‎中文


Takes one parameter, «indexNumber», from 1 to NumDims and returns the name of the corresponding index for the CATable.

Return value

string -- the name of the index

Example Usage

Visual basic code to retrieve the name of the first index.

dim string as indexTitle = Var.DefTable.IndexName (1)

See Also


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