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== Wildlife and Forest Management == | == Wildlife and Forest Management == | ||
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+ | Matthew F. Bingham, Zhimin Li, Kristy E. Mathews, Colleen M. Spagnardi, Jennifer S. Whaley, Sara G. Veale and Jason C. Kinnell (2011), [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a936752464~frm=titlelink ''An Application of Behavioral Modeling to Characterize Urban Angling Decisions and Values''], North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:257-268. | ||
Peter B. Woodbury, James E. Smith, David A. Weinstein and John A. Laurence (Aug 1998), [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1127(97)00323-X ''Assessing potential climate change effects on loblolly pine growth: A probabilistic regional modeling approach''], Forest Ecology and Management 107(1-3), 99-116. | Peter B. Woodbury, James E. Smith, David A. Weinstein and John A. Laurence (Aug 1998), [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1127(97)00323-X ''Assessing potential climate change effects on loblolly pine growth: A probabilistic regional modeling approach''], Forest Ecology and Management 107(1-3), 99-116. |
Revision as of 18:28, 29 April 2011
This page lists articles about projects based on Analytica models. If you have published an article based on work that used an Analytica model, or know of publications not listed here, feel free to add the citation to this page. Where possible, please include links to the article.
About Analytica
Max Henrion, What's Wrong with Spreadsheets and How to Fix Them, Lumina Web Site].
Granger Morgan and Max Henrion (1998), Analytica:A Software Tool for Uncertainty Analysis and Model Communication, Chapter 10 of Uncertainty: A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis, second edition, Cambridge University Press, New York.
Robert D. Brown (2008), Analytica 4.1, Software Review, ORMS Today, June 2008
Stadler M., Marnay C., Azevedo I.L., Komiyama R., Lai J. (2009), The Open Source Stochastic Building Simulation Tool SLBM and Its Capabilities to Capture Uncertainty of Policymaking in the U.S. Building Sector,
Ye Li and H. Keith Florig (Sept. 2006), Modeling the Operation and Maintenance Costs of a Large Scale Tidal Current Turbine Farm, Oceans (2006):1-6.
L.F.Miller, Brian Thomas, J.McConn, J. Hou, J.Preston, T.Anderson, and M.Humberstone (2007), Uncertainty Analysis Methods for Equilibrium Fuel Cycles, ANS Summer Abstract.
Gregory A. Norris and Peter Yost (Fall 2001), Journal of Industrial Ecology 5(4):15-28, MIT Press Journals.
Dallas Burtraw, Karen Palmer, Anthony Paul (Oct 1998), The Welfare Impacts of Restructuring and Environmental Regulatory Reform in the Electric Power Sector, Resources for the Future, presented at Southern Economics Association Meetings, Nov 8-10, 1998 Baltimore, Maryland.
Jouni T Tuomisto and Marko Tainio (2005), An economic way of reducing health, environmental, and other pressures of urban traffic: a decision analysis on trip aggregation, BMC Public Health 5:123. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-5-123
Yurika Nishioka, Jonathan I. Levy, Gregory A. Norris, Andrew Wilson, Patrick Hofstetter, John D. Spengler (Oct 2002), Integrating Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study of Insulation, Risk Analysis 22(5):1003-1017.
Climate Change
David G. Groves nad Robert J. Lempert (Feb 2007), A new analytic method for finding policy-relevant scenarios, Global Environmental Change 17(1):73-85.
Maged Senbel, Timothy McDaniels, and Hadi Dowlatabadi (July 2003), The ecological footprint: a non-monetary metric of human consumption applied to North America, Global Environmental Change 13(2):83-100.
Dowlatabadi, H. (1998). Sensitivity of Climate Change Mitigation Estimates to Assumptions About Technical Change. Energy Economics 20: 473-93.
West, J. J. and H. Dowlatabadi (1998). On assessing the economic impacts of sea level rise on developed coasts. Climate, change and risk. London, Routledge. 205-20.
Leiss, W., H. Dowlatabadi, and Greg Paoli (2001). Who's Afraid of Climate Change? A guide for the perplexed. Isuma 2(4): 95-103.
Morgan, M. G., M. Kandlikar, J. Risbey and H. Dowlatabadi (1999). Why conventional tools for policy analysis are often inadequate for problems of global change. Climatic Change 41: 271-81.
Casman, E. A., M. G. Morgan and H. Dowlatabadi (1999). Mixed Levels of Uncertainty in Complex Policy Models. Risk Analysis 19(1): 33-42.
Dowlatabadi, H. (2003). Scale and Scope In Integrated Assessment: lessons from ten years with ICAM. Scaling in Integrated Assessment. J. Rotmans and D. S. Rothman. Lisse, Swetz & Zeitlinger: 55-72.
Dowlatabadi, H. (2000). Bumping against a gas ceiling. Climatic Change 46(3): 391-407.
Morgan, M. G. and H. Dowlatabadi (1996). Learning From Integrated Assessment of Climate Change. Climatic Change 34: 337-368.
O'Ryan R., Diaz M. (2008), The Use of Probabilistic Analysis to Improve Decision-Making in Environmental Regulation in a Developing Context: The Case of Arsenic Regulation in Chile, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, Vol 14, Issue 3, pg: 623-640.
Andrew Gronewold and Mark Borsuk, "A probabilistic modeling tool for assessing water quality standard compliance", submitted to EMS Oct 2008.
Mark E. Borsuk, Peter Reichert, Armin Peter, Eva Schager and Patricia Burkhardt-Holm (feb 2006), Assessing the decline of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Swiss rivers using a Bayesian probability network, Ecological Modelling 192(1-2):224-244.
Mark E. Borsuk, , Craig A. Stow1 and Kenneth H. Reckhow (Apr 2004), A Bayesian network of eutrophication models for synthesis, prediction, and uncertainty analysis, Ecological Modelling 173(2-3):219-239.
Mark E. Borsuk, Sean P. Powers, and Charles H. Peterson (2002), A survival model of the effects of bottom-water hypoxia on the population density of an estuarine clam (Macoma balthica), Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (59):1266-1274.
Rebecca Montville and Donald Schaffner (Feb 2005), Monte Carlo Simulation of Pathogen Behavior during the Sprout Production Process, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(2):746-753.
S. K. J. Rasmussen, T. Ross, J. Olley and T. McMeekin (2002), A process risk model for the shelf life of Atlantic salmon fillets, International Journal of Food Microbiology 73(1):47-60.
Emissions Policy Analysis
C. Bloyd, J. Camp, G. Conzelmann, J. Formento, J. Molburg, J. Shannon, M. Henrion, R. Sonnenblick, K. Soo Hoo, J. Kalagnanam, S. Siegel, R. Sinha, M. Small, T. Sullivan, R. Marnicio, P. Ryan, R. Turner, D. Austin, D. Burtraw, D. Farrell, T. Green, A. Krupnick, and E. Mansur (Dec 1996), Tracking and Analysis Framework (TAF) Model Documentation and User’s Guide: An Interaction Model for Integrated Assessment of Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments, Decision and Information Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory.
Max Henrion, Richard Sonnenblick, Cary Bloyd (Jan 1997), Innovations in Integrated Assessment: The Tracking and Analysis Framework (TAF), Air and Waste Management Conference on Acid Rain and Electric Utilities, Scottsdale, AZ.
Richard Sonnenblick and Max Henrion (Jan 1997), Uncertainty in the Tracking and Analysis Framework Integrated Assessment: The Value of Knowing How Little You Know, Air and Waste Management Conference on Acid Rain and Electric Utilities, Scottsdale, Arizona.
R. Sinha, M. J. Small, P. F. Ryan, T. J. Sullivan and B. J. Cosby (July 1998), Reduced-Form Modelling of Surface Water and Soil Chemistry for the Tracking and Analysis Framework, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 105(3-4).
Dallas Burtraw and Erin Mansur (Mar 1999), The Effects of Trading and Banking in the SO2 Allowance Market, Discussion paper 99-25, Resources for the Future.
Galen mcKinley, Miriam Zuk, Morten Höjer, Montserrat Avalos, Isabel González, Rodolfo Iniestra, Israel Laguna, Miguel A. Martínez, Patricia Osnaya, Luz M. Reynales, Raydel Valdés, and Julia Martínez (2005), Quantification of Local and Global Benefits from Air Pollution Control in Mexico City, Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:1954-1961.
Luis A. CIFUENTES, Enzo SAUMA, Hector JORQUERA and Felipe SOTO (2000), PRELIMINARY ESTIMATION OF THE POTENTIAL ANCILLARY BENEFITS FOR CHILE, Ancillary Benefits and Costs of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation.
Marko Tainio, Jouni T Tuomisto, Otto Hänninen, Juhani Ruuskanen, Matti J Jantunen, and Juha Pekkanen (2007), Parameter and model uncertainty in a life-table model for fine particles (PM2.5): a statistical modeling study, Environ Health 6(24).
L. Basson and J.G. Petrie (Feb 2007), An integrated approach for the consideration of uncertainty in decision making supported by Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Modeling & Software 22(2):167-176, Environmental Decision Support Systems, Elsevier.
Natural Resource Management
S. Schweizer, M.E. Borsuk and P. Reichert (2004), Predicting the Hydraulic and Morphological Consequences of River Rehabilitation, Swiss Frederal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), International Environmental Modelling and Software Society Transactions.
S. Spörri, M. Borsuk, I. Peters, and P. Reichert (Apr 2007), The economic impacts of river rehabilitation: A regional Input–Output analysis, Ecological Economics 62(2): 341-351.
ME Borsuk, CA Stow, KH Reckhow (2003), An integrated approach to TMDL development for the Neuse River estuary using a Bayesian probability network model (Neu-BERN), Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
David G. Groves, Scott Matyac, Tom Hawkins (Apr 2005), QUANTIFIED SCENARIOS OF 2030 CALIFORNIA WATER DEMAND: 2005 California Water Plan Update, Volume 4.
Wildlife and Forest Management
Matthew F. Bingham, Zhimin Li, Kristy E. Mathews, Colleen M. Spagnardi, Jennifer S. Whaley, Sara G. Veale and Jason C. Kinnell (2011), An Application of Behavioral Modeling to Characterize Urban Angling Decisions and Values, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:257-268.
Peter B. Woodbury, James E. Smith, David A. Weinstein and John A. Laurence (Aug 1998), Assessing potential climate change effects on loblolly pine growth: A probabilistic regional modeling approach, Forest Ecology and Management 107(1-3), 99-116.
P.R. Richard, M. Power, M. Hammilton (2003), Eastern Hudson Bay Beluga Precautionary Approach Case Study: Risk analysis models for co-management, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document.
P.R. Richard (2003), Incorporating Uncertainty in Population Assessments, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document.
Food Risk
Siobain Duffy and Donald W. Schaffner (2001), Modeling the Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Apply Cider Using Probability Distribution Functions for Quantitative Risk Assessment, Journal of Food Protection 64(5):599-605.
T. A. McMeekin (Sept 2007), Predictive microbiology: Quantitative science delivering quantifiable benefits to the meat industry and other food industries, Meat Science 77(1):17-27.
Y Chen, WH Ross, VN Scott, DE Gombas (2003), Listeria monocytogenes: Low Levels Equal Low Risk, Journal of Food Protection 66(4):570-577(8), International Association for Food Protection.
John Bowers, Anders Dalsgaard, Angelo DePaola, I. Karunasagar, Thomas McMeekin, Mitsuaki, Nishibuchi, Ken Osaka, John Sumner, Mark Walderhaug (2005), [https://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/micro/mra8.pdf Risk assessment of Vibrio vulnificus in raw oysters], World Health Organization: Microbiological Risk Assessment Series (8), 135 pages.
Health and Epidemiology
Igor Linkov, Richard Wilson and George M., Gray (1998), Anticarcinogenic Responses in Rodent Cancer Bioassays Are Not Explained by Random Effects, Toxicological Sciences 43(1), Oxford University Press.
M. Loane and R. Wootton (Oct 2001), A simulation model for analysing patient activity in dermatology, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 7(1):23-25(3), Royal Society of Medicine Press.
Davis Bu, Eric Pan, Janice Walker, Julia Adler-Milstein, David Kendrick, Julie M. Hook, Caitlin M. Cusack, David W. Bates, and Blackford Middleton (2007), Benefits of Information Technology–Enabled Diabetes Management, Diabetes Care 30:1137-1142, American Diabetes Associaton.
Julia Adler-Milstein, Davis Bu, Eric Pan, Janice Walker, David Kendrick, Julie M. Hook, David W. Bates, Blackford Middleton. The Cost of Information Technology-Enabled Diabetes Management, Disease Management. June 1, 2007, 10(3): 115-128. doi:10.1089/dis.2007.103640.
E. Ekaette, R.C. Lee, K-L Kelly, P. Dunscombe (Aug 2006), A Monte Carlo simulation approach to the characterization of uncertainties in cancer staging and radiation treatment decisions, Journal of the Operational Research Society 58:177-185.
Lyon, Joseph L.; Alder, Stephen C.; Stone, Mary Bishop; Scholl, Alan; Reading, James C.; Holubkov, Richard; Sheng, Xiaoming; White, George L. Jr; Hegmann, Kurt T.; Anspaugh, Lynn; Hoffman, F Owen; Simon, Steven L.; Thomas, Brian; Carroll, Raymond; Meikle, A Wayne (Nov 2006),Thyroid Disease Associated With Exposure to the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site Radiation: A Reevaluation Based on Corrected Dosimetry and Examination Data, Epidemiology 17(6):604-614.
Negar Elmieh, Hadi Dowlatabadi, Liz Casman (Jan 2006), A model for Probabilistic Assessment of Malathion Spray Exposures (PAMSE) in British Columbia, CMU EEP.
Detlofvon Winterfeldt, Thomas Eppel, John Adams, Raymond Neutra, and Vincent Del Pizzo (2004), Managing Potential Health Risks from Electric Powerlines: A Decision Analysis Caught in Controversy, Risk Analysis 24(6):1487-1502.
Rebecca Montville, Yuhuan Chen and Donald W. Schaffner (March 2002), Risk assessment of hand washing efficacy using literature and experimental data, International Journal of Food Microbiology 73(2-3):305-313.
DC Kendrick, D Bu, E Pan, B Middleton (2007), Crossing the Evidence Chasm: Building Evidence Bridges from Process Changes to Clinical Outcomes, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Elsevier.
Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox, Jr. (May 2005), Potential human health benefits of antibiotics used in food animals: a case study of virginiamycin, Environment International 31(4):549-563.
Jan Walker, Eric Pan, Douglas Johnston, Julia Adler-Milstein, David W. Bates, and Blackford Middleton (19 Jan 2005), The Value Of Health Care Information Exchange And Interoperability, Health Affairs.
Doug Johnston, Eric Pan, Blackford Middleton, Finding the Value in Healthcare Information Technologies, Center for Information Technology Leadership (C!TL) whitepaper.
Chrisman, L., Langley, P., Bay, S., and Pohorille, A. (Jan 2003), "Incorporating biological knowledge into evaluation of causal regulatory hypotheses", Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB).
Technology and Defense
Henry Heimeier (1996), A New Paradigm For Modeling The Precision Strike Process, published in MILCOM96. (model: Milcom96.ana).
Russell F. Richards, Henry A. Neimeier, W. L. Hamm, and D. L. Alexander, “Analytical Modeling in Support of C4ISR Mission Assessment (CMA),” Third International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology, National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington, DC, June 17–20, 1997, pp. 626– 639.
Henry Neimeier and C. McGowan (1996), Analyzing Processes with HANQ, Proceedings of the International Council on Systems Engineering '96.
Kenneth P. Kuskey and Susan K. Parker (2000), The Architecture of CAPE Models, MITRE technical paper. See Abstract.
Henry Neimeier (1994), Analytic Queuing Network, Conference Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the System Dynamics Society, in Stirling, Scotland.
Henry Neimeier (1996) Analytic Uncertainty Modeling Versus Discrete Event Simulation by H. Neimeier, PHALANX.
Rahul Tongia, “Can broadband over powerline carrier (PLC) compete?”. The author uses Analytica in order to model the economic viability of the introduction of a PLC service.
Promises and False Promises of PowerLine Carrier (PLC) Broadband Communications – A Techno-Economic Analysis http://tprc.org/papers/2003/246/Tongia-PLC.pdf
Kanchana Wanichkorn and Marvin Sirbu (1998), The Economics of Premises Internet Telephony, CMU-EPP.
E.L. Kyser, E.R. Hnatek, M.H. Roettgering (2001), The politics of accelerated stress testing, Sound and Vibration 35(3):24-29.
Kevin J. Soo Hoo (June 2000), How Much Is Enough? A Risk-Management Approach to Computer Security, Working Paper, Consortium for Research on Information Security and Policy (CRISP), Stanford University.
M. Steinbach and S. Giles of MITRE (2005), A Model for Joint Infrastructure Investment, AIAA-2005-7309, in AIAA 5th ATIO and 16th Lighter-than-air sys tech and balloon systems conferences, Arlington VA, Sep 26-28, 2005.
Bloomfield, R., Guerra, S. (2002), Process modelling to support dependability arguments, Proceedings. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pg. 113-122. DSN 2002.
Christopher L Weber and Sanath K Kalidas (Fall 2004), Cost-Benefit Analysis of LEED Silver Certification for New House Residence Hall at Carnegie Mellon University, Civil Systems Investment Planning and Pricing Project, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University.
J. McMahon, X. Liu, I. Turiel (Jun 2000), Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of ballast life-cycle cost and payback period, Technical Report LBNL--44450, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Berkeley CA.
Paul K. Davis (2000), Dealing with complexity: exploratory analysis enabled by multiresolultion, multiperspective modeling, Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Winter Simulation, pg. 293-302.
Paul K. Davis (2000), EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS ENABLED BY MULTIRESOLULTION, MULTIPERSPECTIVE MODELING, Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference J. A. Joines, R. R. Barton, K. Kang, and P. A. Fishwick, eds.
NASA (1994), Schedule and Cost Risk Analysis Modeling (SCRAM) System, NASA SBIR Successes.
Not yet categorized
Jun Long, Baruch Fischhoff (2000), Setting Risk Priorities: A Formal Model Risk Analysis, Risk Analysis 20(3):339–352.
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