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(Number format duplicates Number formats, so we have made it into a redirect)
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[[Category:Ana: Status M]]  <!-- For Lumina use, do not change -->
#REDIRECT [[Number formats]]
[[What's new in Analytica 4.0?]] >
You can use the Number format dialog to set format for numbers in tables, graphs, and input and output nodes. If you set the number format for an Index, for example, it will use that format for that index in every graph or table that uses that index. 
To set the number format for a variable:
# Select its node in a diagram, or display its result or edit table window. (You can also set number format for several variables, if you select their nodes.)
# Select '''Number format...''' from the '''Result''' menu, or press ''control-b'', to open the Number format dialog.
# Select the option you want from the Formats list.
# Select options such as Decimal digits, Show trailing zeroes, or Thousands separators depending on what you want and what's available. See below for details.
# Check the example at the top of the dialog to see if it's what you want.
# If so, click '''Apply''' button.
For details on date formats see [[Date Functions]]
[[Image:Number format.png]]
[Expanded in release 4.0]

Latest revision as of 00:01, 20 April 2016

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