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[[Category: Analytic Distribution Functions]]
[[Category: Analytic Distribution Functions]]
[[Category: Distribution Densities library functions]]
[[Category: Distribution Densities library functions]]
[[category:Cumulative distribution functions]]
== CumGeometric(k, p)==
#REDIRECT[[Geometric distribution#CumGeometric]]
The cumulative probability function for the [[Geometric]](p) distribution.
Computes the probability that at most «k» independent [[Bernoulli]] trials would be required before the first success is obtained.  The probability of success on each trial is «p».
== Library ==
[[Distribution Densities Library]]  ([[media:Distribution Densities.ana|Distribution Densities.ana]])
:Use [[File menu|File]] → '''Add Library...''' to add this library
== Examples ==
If you enter a lottery every day of the year, where each entry has odds of 1 chance in 1M of winning, what is the probability that you will win within one year?  How about within 10 years?
:<code>CumGeometric(365, 1/1M) &rarr; 3.649e-004</code>
:<code>CumGeometric(3653, 1/1M) &rarr; 3.646e-003</code>
What is the probability of rolling doubles ten times in a row with a pair of fair dice?  To encode this, treat a success as a non-double roll, which has a probability of 5/6, so the answer is given by
:<code>1 - CumGeometric(10, 5/6) &rarr; 1.654e-008</code>
John is a baseball player, who hits the ball on 10% of his swings.  What is the probability he gets a hit during his next three swings?
:<code>CumGeometric(3, 10%)</code>
This function was included in this library for the first time in the Analytica 4.4.3 patch release.  But the function will work in earlier releases, so if you need it you can grab the most recent version of the [[media:Distribution Densities.ana|Distribution Densities.ana]].
== See Also ==
* [[Geometric]]()
* [[Prob_Geometric]]()
* [[CumGeometricInv]]()
* [[Distribution Densities Library]]
* [[media:Distribution Densities.ana|Distribution Densities.ana]]

Revision as of 23:32, 7 December 2018


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