Outline window

Revision as of 00:08, 18 November 2021 by Lchrisman (talk | contribs) (Added in a mention of System libraries and Found objects.)
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The Outline window shows the module hierarchy as an expandable outline -- like an expandable list of folders and documents. It gives you an easy way view and navigate a large model containing many modules.

Opening the Outline window

To open the Outline window, click the Outline button in the toolbar ToolbarOutlineButton.png. The Outline window highlights the entry for the selected module or variable.

Opening details from an outline

To display a module’s Diagram window, double-click its entry in the outline. To jump to a variable and open the Diagram containing it, double-click its entry in the outline. To display a variable’s Object window, select it and press the Object Window button in the toolbar (ToolbarObjectWindowButton.png). These options are also found on the right-mouse context menu when you right-click on an item.

Expanding and contracting the outline

By default, the outline lists all nodes in the model. Check the Modules Only box to list only the modules (exclude variables and functions).


Click here to see modules only

In the outline, each module entry has a triangle icon Chapter19 8.png or Chapter19 9.png to let you display or hide the module’s contents.

Chapter19 8.png Indicates that the module’s contents are not shown in the Outline window. Click this icon to display the module’s contents.

Chapter19 9.png Indicates that the module’s contents are shown as an indented list. Click this icon to hide the module’s contents

System Libraries

The System Libraries folder contains built-in functions, operators and system variables organized by category. Leaving this folder open can be a convenient way to locate the function you need when writing a definition.

Found objects

The Found objects folder contains the "found set" -- the set of objects matching the most recent Find Object results. When using Find Object, press the List button to populate this folder.

The folder actually contains the contents of the Sys_FoundSet system variable. If you want to use an Analytica expression to find a set of matching objects, you can set Sys_FoundSet from a button OnClick or from the Typescript window.

Viewing and editing attributes

The Attribute panel at the bottom of the Outline window works just like the Attribute panel available at the bottom of a Diagram window. To view the attributes of a listed node:

  1. Select the node by clicking it.
  2. Choose the attribute to examine from the Attribute popup menu

See Definitions.

If you edit attributes in this panel, the changes are propagated to any other Attribute panels and Object windows.

Viewing values

To see the Outline window with mid values, select Show With Values from the Object menu. Each variable whose mid value has been evaluated and is an atom displays in the window.

Chapter19 10.png

See Also


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