Error Messages/40616

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Error message examples

You cannot assign to a slice or subscript of a global variable object.


Analytica won't let you assign a value to a slice (subscripted element) of a global variable, even in an OnClick or OnChange attribute, or Function called from one of those, where you would normally be able to assign to a global variable. It will let you assign to a slice of a local variable.

Here the OnClick attribute of Button Change_Xtries to assign to a slice of the global variable X, and so triggers this error message:

 Index I := 1..2
 Variable X := Table(I)(10, 20)
 Button <code>Change_X</code>    
        OnClick: X[I = 2] := 30


Analytica does let you assign to a slice of a local variable (in any Definition), and it does let you assign to a global variable (not a slice) in an OnClick or OnChange attribute, or Function called from one of those attributes. So you can work around this problem.

  1. Copy the global array, X, into a local variable, local_x,
  2. Assign a new value to a slice of local_x,
  3. Assign the value of local_x back to the global, X,

For example:

 Index I := 1..2
 Variable X := Table(I)(10, 20)
 Button <code>Change_X</code>    
      VAR local_X := X; 
      local_X[I = 2] := 30; 
      X := local_X

This does what you need.

See Also


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