Definition menu (more)
The Definition menu allows to view and edit definitions of selected variables. It also displays definitions of user-defined functions, and built-in functions and system variables.
This menu is hierarchical. Each library lists the functions or other constructs it contains. The middle partition lists built-in libraries. At the bottom, are any libraries you have created or added. If you view and select a subitem when editing a definition, it pastes it into the definition.
Please see the tables below for the detailed functionalities of the Definition menu and the System Variables submenu.
Menu item Description Edit Definition Opens the appropriate view for editing the definition of the selected variable. If the variable is defined as a distribution or sequence, the Object Finder dialog opens. If it is defined as a table or probability table, its edit table window opens. Otherwise, an Object window or Attribute panel opens, depending on the Edit attributes setting in the Preferences dialog. Edit Time Opens the Object window for the Time system variable. See Time index. Paste Identifier Opens the Object Finder dialog for examining functions and variable identifiers, entering function parameters, and pasting them into definitions. See Object Finder dialog. Show Invalid Variables Displays a window listing all variables with invalid or missing definitions. See Invalid variables. Math See Math functions. Array See Arrays and Indexes and Array functions. Distribution See Probability Distributions. Special Displays a list of unusual or less commonly used functions in the Special library. Statistical See Statistical functions. Operators Arithmetic, comparison, logical, and conditional operators. See Operators. System Variables See System Variables submenu below. Matrix See Matrix functions. Text Functions See Text functions. Financial See Financial functions. Advanced Math See Advanced math functions. Database Appears only in Analytica Enterprise. See Database functions. Optimizer Appears only if you have the Optimizer activated. See Analytica Optimizer Guide for more. Your libraries Lists the names of any libraries that you have defined or added to the model, each with a submenu that lists the functions contained in the library. See User-defined Functions and Libraries.
Menu item Description AnalyticaEdition The edition of Analytica running, either “Optimizer”, “Enterprise”, “Professional”, “Free”, “Power Player”, “Player”, “Trial”, “Lite”, “ADE” or “ADE Optimizer”. AnalyticaPlatform The operating system/platform. In Analytica for Windows, this is “Windows,” in Analytica for Macintosh, this is “Macintosh,” and in the Analytica Decision Engine this is “ADE.” AnalyticaVersion An integer encoding the current build number of Analytica being run. In terms of the major release number, minor release number, and sub-minor release number, it is equal to 10K*Major + 100*Minor + SubMinor For example, Analytica 4.1 subminor version 2 returns the value 40102.
False The logical (Boolean) constant that evaluates numerically to zero. IssampleEvalMode This is 1 when evaluated in Sample mode, or 0 when evaluated in Mid mode. You can use this in an expression when you need to compute a mid value differently than a probabilistic value. Null A special system constant, returned by various functions when data does not exist at a requested location, and ignored by array-reducing functions when present in the cells of an array. See Exception values INF, NAN, and NULL. Pi Pi is the ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle. Run Run is the index for uncertainty sampling, defined as Sequence(1, Samplesize). SampleSize The number of sample iterations for probabilistic simulation. See Uncertainty Setup dialog. SampleWeighting When this variable to an array indexed by Run, a different weight can be assigned to each probabilistic sample point. See Importance weights. SvdIndex The SingularValueDecomp function returns three matrices, 'U', 'W', and 'V'. To return all three at once, the return value is an array indexed by SvdIndex, which is equal to ['U', 'W', 'V']. Time The index variable identifying the dimension for dynamic simulation (the Dynamic() function). See Time index. True The logical (Boolean) constant that evaluates numerically to nonzero.
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