ACPT - Analytica with Tableau

What is ACPT?

ACPT stands for Analytica Cloud Platform with Tableau. We created this version to allow existing Tableau users to continue using their visualization platform of choice while also maintaining the speed and clarity that come with Analytica models. By allowing you to embed Analytica user inputs in Tableau (through extensions), Tableau functionality has been expanded to dynamically update graphs, pulldown menus, etc.

We're still developing ACPT and are looking for beta testers. If you're interested, contact us at

For more information on the Analytica Cloud Platform, check out Analytica Cloud Platform.

AnalyticaTableauSnippet full.png

How does it work?

Each Tableau workbook is linked to an Analytica model running in ACP.

  • You add the ACPT Library.ana to the Analytica model. You add a library function to each user input, so that any change causes it to save any affected outputs to CSV files so that Tableau can refresh the dashboard.
  • You add Tableau dashboard extensions that let you include user inputs in a Tableau dashboard that link to corresponding user inputs in the Analytica model.

The Analytica model saves outputs to CSV files that Tableau reads into worksheets and displays as charts, tables, or maps in a dashboard.

For a more detailed look at the architecture behind ACPT, check out the ACPT Architecture page.

How can you access ACPT?

ACPT Server hosted by Lumina

Your own server Currently ACP and Table must run on the same server.* If you already have a Tableau server, you can install ACP on it. Or if you already have ACP, you can install ACP. Then follow the tutorials on these pages:

* subject to change at a later date.

For any problems or support, please contact

Where should I start?

Depending on your level of interaction with ACPT, you likely only need to read some of the pages. The See Also section below will use bold text to indicate which page you're currently on and lists all the pages in the order. Below we break down which pages are relevant to the varying user types:

(a) If you're an end user who wants to use ACPT check out:

(b) If you want to create an ACPT accessible model check out:

(c) If you're an admin who will install and manage ACPT check out:

(d) If you want to understand both the user and admin side of ACPT:

  • Either follow the See Also at the bottom of the page or use the gray bar below it to navigate through each ACPT page in order.

See Also


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